The psychotherapist Apple Giannandrea needs to heal the shared spirit of Siri.

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Apple put John Giannandrea exactly where he belongs where his first task will be to repair the schizophrenia that plagues Siri who did not that hinder the call of the digital assistant of Apple.

John Giannandrea is a Scottish computer scientist who recently led the research and AI activities of Google before he left. be lobbied by Apple to repair its artificial intelligence efforts. Thus, excellence in AI has not been determined Many intelligent people are employed, but as from time to time we have been crunching the data, anyone who expects Siri to suddenly earn a doctorate during the night will be very disappointed.

Improve Apple's AI will be slow, consumption process, especially because that the focus on confidentiality has hindered its ability to utilize However, there is a relatively quick solution that could be implemented which involves moving the implementation of Siri from the incident to the cloud. This is where everyone puts their digital assistants and for good reason.

By implementing the agent on the device rather than on the cloud, Apple has made sure that the user experience of Siri is different from a device to the 39; another. It's an understandable decision of a company that focuses so strictly on devices and on differentiating with security and privacy, but this decision is now starting to show some problems. For example, Siri on Apple TV has a different set of skill areas than on the iPhone and Siri on the HomePod is unable to do some of the most basic things that are available on the iPhone. This also limits the ability to use Siri to control each other's devices. In addition, third-party skills are all implemented on the device, which means that if the user allows Siri on the iPhone to call an Uber, all his other devices will remain unable to do it.

It would appear that there is a central repository where Siri's line of master code is developed which is then verified and customized by the product teams to make it more applicable to the device than to any other device. ;they create. This results in fragmentation and inconsistency that waste R & D resources and adversely affect the user experience. That's exactly the problem that has contributed to the inability of Samsung and Motorola to launch a serious challenge to Nokia in the feature phones 15 years ago.

In the case of Apple, it is a relatively simple solution. and easy win for Apple's new head of AI. In addition, since Google fully understands the importance of data integration, we can hope that this is already underway.

Even with this solution, Siri will remain desperately outclassed by Google's assistant, Baidu Duer OS (in Chinese) and even decidedly Amazon's Alexa medium. To catch up with Google, Apple must continue to change its AI practices both with regards to the use of data and how it collaborates with the rest of the AI ​​community. Both will be difficult for Apple and John Giannandera should therefore find that his hands are tied to some extent.

Therefore, this domain should continue to be run by Google and Baidu for the moment. In the short term, Apple should be doing relatively well given its interest in privacy, which currently turns out to be a gadget for all advertising-driven digital ecosystems (Facebook, Yahoo, Google, etc.). .)


Apple has placed John Giannandrea exactly where he belongs where his first task will be to repair the schizophrenia that plagues Siri that has done nothing but harm the call of the 39, Apple Digital Assistant

John Giannandrea is a Scottish computer scientist who recently led Google's research and AI activities before being poached by Apple to repair his efforts. 39, artificial intelligence.At today, excellence in AI has not been determined by the number of intelligent people, but by someone who is waiting for Siri The fact of suddenly winning an overnight doctorate is likely to be seriously disappointed.

Amé Enhancing Apple's AI will be a slow and tedious process, especially because its interest in privacy has hindered its ability to use data to form algorithms. However, there is a relatively fast solution that could be implemented, namely to move the implementation of Siri from the device to the cloud. This is where everyone puts their digital assistants and for good reason.

By implementing the agent on the device rather than in the cloud, Apple has made sure that the user experience of Siri is different from one device to the other . It's an understandable decision of a company that focuses so strictly on devices and on differentiating with security and privacy, but this decision is now starting to show some problems. For example, Siri on Apple TV has a different set of skill areas than on the iPhone and Siri on the HomePod is unable to do some of the most basic things that are available on the iPhone. This also limits the ability to use Siri to control each other's devices. In addition, third-party skills are all implemented on the device, which means that if the user allows Siri on the iPhone to call an Uber, all his other devices will remain unable to do it.

It would appear that there is a central repository where Siri's line of master code is developed which is then verified and customized by the product teams to make it more applicable to the device than to any other device. ;they create. This results in fragmentation and inconsistency that waste R & D resources and adversely affect the user experience. That's exactly the problem that has contributed to the inability of Samsung and Motorola to launch a serious challenge to Nokia in the feature phones 15 years ago.

In the case of Apple, this is a relatively simple solution. and easy win for Apple's new head of AI. In addition, since Google fully understands the importance of data integration, we can hope that this is already underway.

Even with this solution, Siri will remain desperately outclassed by Google's assistant, Baidu Duer OS (in Chinese) and even decidedly Amazon's Alexa medium. To catch up with Google, Apple must continue to change its AI practices both with regards to the use of data and how it collaborates with the rest of the AI ​​community. Both will be difficult for Apple and John Giannandera should therefore find that his hands are tied to some extent.

Therefore, this domain should continue to be run by Google and Baidu for the moment. In the short term, Apple should be doing relatively well given its interest in privacy, which currently turns out to be a gadget for all advertising-driven digital ecosystems (Facebook, Yahoo, Google, etc.). .).

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