The rapper May Sue Fortnite Over Emote


Trials and large properties seem to go hand in hand these days. It's almost impossible to have a huge brand without someone trying to sue for something. In the case of Epic Games, the lawsuits continue to accrue – this time from a rapper who could sue the company for a reason you probably would not have thought impossible.

CBS News reports that rapper 2 Milly claims that Epic Games stole one of his dance moves and used it in Fortnite. According to the article, the rapper would have created a movement called "Milly Rock", which would have become popular enough that the dance was recognized by other artists and sports stars. He even managed to get into the game. Fortnite.

The problem is that the move was supposedly changed from "Milly Rock" and turned into an emote called "Swipe It".

Now unlike other lawsuits targeting games like Fortnite or Grand Theft Auto VMilly could have a little more reasonable case. 2 Milly could have a slightly more reasonable case. His main problem is not that the movement is described in the game, nor that the name has changed. Milly's 2 objection comes from the fact that the "Swipe It" emote, supposedly based on the "Milly Rock", is sold in the retail store for $ 5.

2 Milly explained that it was not necessarily money, but that it was her decision that was being sold for money in a game that brought billions of dollars to Epic Games. That's why he could sue …

The CBS Report stresses that, although copyright law aims to protect a large number of artists' records of paintings, drawings, music, rhythms and lyrics, there are not many precedents in dance.

Again, copyright has not yet caught up with the rapid evolution of electronic and interactive entertainment. Merlyne Jean-Louis, a lawyer specializing in shows, told CBS that, as the jurisprudence on choreographic work does not really exist, it could be difficult for 2 Milly to sue Epic Games.

However, Epic already seems to be aware of the hubbub of social media and media entertainment about Milly and the Milly Rock featured in Fortnite. Previously, the company was in a position to cancel further proceedings against it – as when it was sued for Weapons of war, and for compatibility issues that Silicon Knights encountered with the development of Too human on the Unreal engine. However, this time, Epic did not comment on the problem and in fact decided to remove the "Swipe It" from the store-sale for the moment.

If you already have the "Swipe It" emote for your character, you can continue to use it, but new players will not be able to buy it for the moment.

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