The rapper plans to sue epic games for Fortnite's "Swipe It" emote


A Brooklyn rapper named "2 Milly" plans to file a lawsuit against Fortnite developer Epic Games for allegedly stealing his choreography for an in-game emote that players can buy.

Apparently, the rapper's signature – titled "Milly Rock" – had been circulating the Internet for a long time before Epic Games used it as a basis for his "Swipe It" emote in Fortnite Season 5 Battle Pass. A quick search of the emote in the game brings up a YouTube video of July 2018 that even calls the dance the emote of Milly Rock.

Milly, speaking to CBS News, said that Epic's decision to actually sell the emote in the game rather than in a free cosmetic product is what it "really was … oh nah, that can not last too long. " Hip Hop popular artist Luck the rapper tweeted in July that "Fortnite should put the rap songs behind the dances that make as much money as Emotes. "

"The black creations created and popularized these dances but never monetized them. Imagine that the money people spend on these Emotes is shared with the artists who made it. "

The rapper is now seeking legal advice in the hope of filing a lawsuit against the company. However, the blur behind copyrighted works, such as choreography and dance movements, is a difficult time.

We have contacted Epic Games for comment and will update this article if we have new news.

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