The secrets of the Galaxy S10 can spread with the permission of Samsung


The specifications of the Samsung Galaxy S10 and the big-name features may well appear before the smartphone in 2019. This includes the long-awaited and delayed fingerprint sensor in display or under-display (with good reasons). Word is this week that Samsung will work with Qualcomm to provide this "best" fingerprint sensor in display. Rumor has it that the S10 is not the first Samsung phone with this technology.

An amalgam of facts and circumstances suggests that the Samsung Galaxy S10 could be unveiled in a number of phones by the end of 2018 and early 2019. According to Samsung Electronics Vice President and CEO DJ Koh company adopts a new approach. This comment was made on the 3rd of this month.

"In the past, I brought new technology and differentiation to the flagship model, and then I moved to the mid-point," DJ Koh told CNBC. "-fin."

As mentioned by SamMobile, the MMDDJ leak detector has launched a new midrange phone called Samsung Galaxy P1 for China. This device, said MMDJJ on Twitter, may have a "fingerprint UD" on this new phone. All this may be a coincidence, but Samsung is testing this type of fingerprint sensor on a less powerful phone seems to be in line with what Koh said earlier this month.

The latest ETNews report states that Samsung will likely use Qualcomm's third-generation integrated fingerprint sensor technology. If this is true, it could well be proof that the rumor of a break between Samsung and Qualcomm did not result in a bloodbath. It's not as if Samsung could provide all of its phones with Exynos processors, is not it?

You will see above a demonstration of the latest Qualcomm Sense ID technology. This is the 3D fingerprint technology used in Qualcomm's fingerprint scanning solution of the present and most likely also in gen 3. With the high expectations for the big 10 in 2019, this could be the moment for Samsung to shine with tomorrow's fingerprint scanner.

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