The six best features of the Galaxy S9


After using the Galaxy S9 or S9 Plus almost every day for the last three months, it's funny that the most enviable features of phones – a fantastic OLED screen, great double-aperture camera lens photos, elegantly curved sides – are not what makes me love Samsung's best handsets for 2018.

See, these are the little things that connect a person to a device. The way he looks or feels in the hand. This specific feature – call Wi-Fi, an FM radio, perhaps – that requires someone to swear that they will never give up their phone or their brand.

And these are the little things that I notice the most in my experience with the Galaxy S9 Plus, touches that make my life easier, or at least more interesting. It's not that I take the fast processor or waterproofing of the Galaxy S9 for granted. It is that the S9 is so reliable that I rarely have to think about the connection speed or the now rare headphone jack of the phone. They are already there.

Here are six features of the Galaxy S9 that add a little something more to my daily use. Not to say everything about the phone is great – I will soon have a list of the worst S9 features. Feel free to jump into the comments with your favorite Galaxy S9 or S9 Plus.

6. This purple color

I almost exclusively uses the Galaxy S9 Plus in purple lilac since early March. The color is deep, brilliant and changes in the light. It makes me love to use the phone more. I have dismissed almost all cases because they do not do justice to the design of the phone (Spigen's one is OK, but the color starts to scratch the rims).

I caught people watching the purple S9 when it was face down on a table. Once, I even noticed a woman in a restaurant clumsily holding her phone for "sneakily" taking a picture of the phone. Maybe I sat a little bigger.

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5. Samsung Pay

Launched in 2015, Samsung Pay is now a reference in the Galaxy firmament, but that does not make it less special on the Galaxy S9. Apple Pay and Google Pay are excellent mobile payment options but only Samsung Pay allows you to make a payment to any terminal, even those who claim to not accept mobile payments .

may function as the magnetic stripe on your credit card when you hold it near the mag-stripe reader.

The fact that Samsung now gives buyers cash back for the use of Samsung Pay from some retailers (in the US to start) gives you even more reasons for the # 39; use.

4. Customizations galore

You could get lost in the sub menus of advanced settings and options of the Galaxy S9. Reviewing your customization options can be an exhaustive quest, but a reward if you come across a graphic or layout choice that really speaks to you.


You too can change the Galaxy S9 color and format of the clock.

Josh Miller / CNET

For example, I spent 10 good minutes customizing the shape, size and color of the clock icon on the lock screen and on the screen. Always-On screen. I'll be the first to admit that it sounds like a simple and stupid thing to do. But once I did, I suddenly felt more connected to S9: Here's another telling sign that this phone belongs to me. (Well, it's a phone ready, but you have the idea.)

Android is already on personalization, which is part of the nature of the platform. And for better or for worse, no phonograph embraces this philosophy quite like Samsung.

Read : Discover 21 hidden features of the Galaxy S9

3. Quick Access to Apps and People

A tab that lives on the edge of many Galaxy phones calls the Edge display. Drag it open to access a sort of shortcut bar that you can access from any screen.

Although it's not unique to the Galaxy S9, I find myself using it at least once a day, usually to quickly open a weather app – because I'm obsessed with microclimates, is not it? – or Google Drive. The idea is that I do not have to think about the location of the application icon. This tab makes it a constant no matter where I am in the phone.

Sometimes I drag this opening by accident, but I like that if it's annoying, I can drag the tab to any other position is new for the Galaxy S9). My only advice: Use the space wisely. Less is more or you waste time browsing Edge's display.

2. Split Screen Mode

I've tested the split-screen mode on a lot of Galaxy phones, but that's only when I started using the Galaxy S9 Plus full-time as everything clicked. Now, instead of inventing reasons to try it, I started using the reflex split screen.

I often call a map, an appointment or an email in one pane and a website or text message in another. Instead of returning the tabs to retrieve some information, the shared screen allows me to refer to the same source several times before closing it.

When I take a break from the Galaxy S9 to use another phone, it's a feature I miss.

1. Scan of the iris do-over

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If it does not unlock the first time, the Galaxy S9 gives you a do-over.

Andrew Hoyle / CNET

Samsung uses a different type of technology than the iPhone X. In fact, its iris scanning function is earlier than the most ambitious phone of Apple. The Iris scan is safe enough to work with Samsung Pay and Android Pay too.

But my favorite part about this is that if the analysis fails the first time, you get a do-over. There is a semicircular arrow that looks like a replay button, and this will trigger the scan again. I wish the iPhone X to do that too . Instead, you need to lock and unlock the screen or wait for a minute break to reset.

The Galaxy S9's fingerprint reader at the back, now conveniently moved under the camera, offers you another option to unlock the phone. That's the right approach in my book

Honorable Mention: Rich and Rich Speakers

These Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus phones mark the first time that Samsung has given a second speaker to a phone. The results largely blew us with a very loud and rich sound for vocals, movies and games. While the quality of the speaker is rather deplorable and other phones, like the Razer Phone, have a more immersive effect, the Dolby Atmos audio software takes advantage of the second speaker to make music, videos and games.

Tested : The two speakers of the Galaxy S9 are strong and rich

Read more : Galaxy Note 9: all what we know about The brother of the galaxy S9

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