The Steam Link hardware is dead, long live Steam Link application


It can be argued that Valve is good at software, both for its own games and for its game publishing and distribution platform. However, he seems to have more trouble making and selling his own equipment. Steam engines, both its own and its partners, have long been considered a failure now that other parts of its ecosystem are also collapsing. The latest to join this Valve hardware cemetery is the Steam Link box, which, it is true, may have been way ahead of its time.

When it was launched in 2015, the idea of ​​Steam Link was perhaps as foreign to PC gamers as Steam Machines. The idea of ​​playing games on a computer other than a computer was not only strange, it was perhaps even heretical for some players. It did not help Valve pay $ 50 on a relatively unknown, single-purpose device.

Today, however, streaming games is no longer a fiction invented by some companies. This could very well be the future. In addition, games that can be played anywhere, using the available controls, start to have some appeal. Some will even want to play PC games on their phones without having to buy a special version of the game or pay a special subscription.

Unfortunately, this change happened too late for the Steam Link hardware. It is not surprising that there are no more Steam links sold in the US and Europe. You may find it on retailers and resellers, but as far as Valve is concerned, the Steam link is dead. However, he will continue to support him, even if he does not say before when.

Steam Link hardware is also largely useless now. Valve has already made a software version with exactly the same features and more. Unfortunately, the Steam Link app is only available on Android for the moment, the iOS version still being in negotiation.

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