The strangest creations of the character of Soulcalibur VI


SoulCalibur IV includes the most robust custom character creation tool in the history of the series. The game has only been released for four days and already, the Internet is flooded with creations of crooked players, and all do not have fake giant tails.

The character creation tool in SoulCalibur VI is ridiculously rich in features. Players can choose to change one of the characters in the game, download and adjust other players' creations, or start from scratch. You have a choice of 16 breeds of players, including a race reserved for humans with bunny ears.

While I settled for a basic human with bunny ears (I have a guy), other players immersed themselves in the tool options. They adjust the height, change the color of the skin and the textures and set up elaborate outfits. And if the clothes are not enough to make dream the man, the woman and / or the monster, stickers and shapes always personalized.

I was going to give him a heart that would have been sweet, but I'm a monster.

Why, with just a little brushstroke in the shape of the heart of the game, I gave this poor woman a mule head. Imagine what a more dedicated customizer could do. Or do not do it because I've compiled some of my favorites here.

One of the biggest racing themes I've seen surfing the internet or flipping through the game's character-sharing feature is the twisted version of the stars of different video games. Take Pikachu here. Take it and run away, far away.

This version of Pikachu is nothing more than a beefy man of yellow color with a pair of cones coming out of his head. Which, of course, is exactly what Pikachu always looks like. And look, here is the ideal competitor for him:

It's like a Smash Bros. reunion here. Let's go on. Here is a beautiful Sonic, not at all nightmarish of Vagabond Melody on Twitter. Using Tira as a base gives our favorite hedgehog one of his golden rings with which he plays. In addition, the nipples.

What about everyone's favorite character, the sexy Bowser? Captaintaco2345 on YouTube not only made Bowsette, he also created Booette and made them fight.

Pretty sexy, no? Well, wait, there is more. You have not seen sexy until you've seen Venom created with Ivy's animations, courtesy of IvyAyeVee on Twitter. It's good to drool. Venom is used to it.

Do you want to make Venom disappear? Schiltrus on Reddit realized a very nice Thanos, with a slamming finisher.

Speaking of Reddit, there is a whole subsite dedicated to SoulCalibur player creations. It's called r / SoulCaliburCreations and it's full of incredible work, like the very elegant Marge Simpson from LFreeze.

The horrible Homer, by CatchingZzzzs.

And in case someone needs a healer, we have a little Mercy, SlothfulRaptor.

It's amazing what players can match by changing skin colors, clothing styles and accessories. And when custom shapes come into play, pay attention. More specifically, pay attention to the cocks. Here's an example, courtesy of Hjenx on YouTube. Thank you very much, Hjenx.

The effect is created using a variety of shapes. A cylinder for the shaft, a heart for the testicles and, I believe, an apple for the tip. These monstrosities are ubiquitous and I do not see how Bandai Namco could eliminate them.

So SoulCalibur VIThe custom character collection may have more than a few cocks. It also contains a ton of incredible creations from talented players from around the world. Share your favorites (or the scariest ones) in the comments below.

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