The survey shows that iPhone users are not really interested in the notch of everyone panicked – BGR


We are a week away from the revelation of a new range of iPhone models, but there does not seem to be many surprises yet intact. We know that the iPhone X tracking will call the iPhone XS; we know that there will be a larger model of 6.5 inches with the same design; and we know that Apple will introduce a third model with an LCD. All that remains to be revealed are the details, but what are the iPhone fans looking for on a new phone?

This week, USA today have shared the results of a survey conducted with SurveyMonkey on the new features that they expect the most with the new phones. Although there are many possible answers, the 1,665 adults who responded highlight three key characteristics they care about more than anything else.

USA today says 75% of those surveyed want a longer battery life, 66% want an unbreakable glass screen and 44% want Apple to add expandable storage. These are the only three features that have been voted at least 40% of the time, even though a significant number of respondents also want the headphone jack to be returned.

Among the other features sought by Apple fans include the replacement of the proprietary Lightning port by a USB-C charging port, the improved FaceID system and a faster refresh rate for applications. At the bottom of the list, with only a 10% response rate, was the removal of the notch. Despite the fact that a vocal minority went crazy when Apple's new iPhone X design was unveiled last year, it seems that most consumers do not encounter any problems.

This last point is good news for Apple, because all the models of iPhone which will leave in 2018 will be supposed to present the notch. When asked to choose a single feature, the battery life is always at the top, with the screen unbreakable in second position. We'll see if Apple realizes these dreams next week.

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