At the Tokyo Game Show 2018, Square Enix announced that the upcoming Dragon Quest game on the Switch would officially be known as Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age S. According to the creator of the series, Yuji Horii, the "S" covers all the bases, including the game being special and for the Switch. Alternative interpretations are "Shaberu" (speaking) and "Seiyuu" (voice actor).
In addition to the title announcement, Horii reiterated that the Switch version of the latest Dragon quest would take Square Enix longer to develop. As for the launch date, there is still no word on when it will arrive. This only reinforces Square Enix's comment last March that the game would take time:
We are also developing the Switch version for Europe and North America … But development should also take a lot of time from a technological point of view, so we still have a long way to go before it is released.
Then in July, producer Hokuto Okamoto reaffirmed that Switch's release was still in development:
We are doing it. We continue to do it. I can not say anything more … When we first announced [Dragon Quest XI], the Switch was not released yet and the development kit was not yet finalized. The hardware specifications were not yet available, but we were like, "We can handle that. We can put it on the switch.
As previously stated, the game will be powered by Unreal Engine 4. Dragon Quest XI was first announced in August 2016 and was released in Japan on 3DS and PS4 last summer.
What do you think of the name and final version of the Switch version? Are you ready to hold on? Do you anticipate? Tell us below.
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