The tragic story of Jaina explored in Battle for Azeroth cinematic


"Warbringers", animated series of Blizzard to develop the new extension World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth began today with a short cinematic centered around Jaina Proudmoore. [19659002HoweveryouaredoingpartoftheLordandyousaythingslike"Sylvieestbae"sanitary-hygienic-it'sagoodthing

The animation delves into the artistic details of Jaina's past history. Although it is odd that she brings back into what appears to be the open ocean in nothing but a canoe, he still paints a vivid image. While Jaina is playing in the background, she slowly navigates the ocean, reliving her worst moments.

She, and by extension we see the death of her father by the Horde led by Rexxar. Which, just as a reminder, occurred shortly after she defended the Horde to her people in an attempt to call for peace. A real twist like the knife you could imagine, she felt a little guilt after the death of her father. His former sea nation of Kul Tiras avoided it.

The animation gives us not only the backstory of Jaina, but hints at its future too. While floating on the sea, the booth and the artwork depicts Jaina's constant anxiety, but ends on a different note. The song warns of "girl of the sea". At the very end, Jaina lifts her father's ship from the bottom of the ocean, stands on it and says, "Take care of me."

Jaina's determination has clearly changed, as the Jaina's had suggested Legion . She has finished wallowing and blaming herself, and even if her elders do not want her anymore, she will help them destroy the Horde.

Until some great, bad old god appears and inevitably destroys everything.

Battle for Azeroth drops on August 14th.

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