The unique Fortnite event has seduced players into a new realm


The Fortnite event for Halloween, Fortnitemares, is now over and has culminated in a pretty spectacular event. Developer Epic Games had previously stated that the event would be unique and that those present had a rather strange experience. At the center of it all was the mysterious cube affectionately called Kevin. The purple cube appeared towards the end of season 5 and has been a constant presence in season 6 until now.

As part of Fortnitemares, the cube began to breed zombie-like creatures against which players had to fight in the Battle Royale mode. However, at the end of Fortnitemares, Kevin – suspended in the air – began to turn, collect energy and explode. There was a flash of white and the players from the region were transported into a strange kingdom of light.

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The players floated in the air and under them, which resembled the veins of this strange kingdom of light gathered in the center, which was a pearly skylight. Another source of light above everyone started to shine and finally manifested in the form of butterflies made of glass fragments. They landed on the players and a few seconds later, everyone was brought back to the island.

The vortex that was in the middle of Lake Loot is no longer there. In its place is a small land mass where there is a collection of stones. It looks a bit like Stonehenge's version of Fortnite. Until now, nothing else seems to have changed noticeably. However, we expect the new area in the middle of Lake Loot to have many secrets and Epic will use it a lot over the next few weeks. You can see all the event happen in the video above, and check the screenshots to see it too.

We estimate that players will make regular trips to the new location as part of the last weekly challenges of season 6. Although it is too late to complete the Fortnitemares challenges, you can still meet all the other challenges of the season. For your convenience, check out our Fortnite Season 6 Challenge Guide, where you'll find plenty of information to help you tackle all the challenges that Epic has released this season so far.

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