The United States asks Google to avoid the dragonfly search engine project in China


The Google CEO told employees that the China plan was in its infancy and that it was exploratory.


US Vice President Mike Pence has called on Google to end the "Dragonfly" project, its censored Chinese search engine.

According to a Wall Street Journal article, Pence said Thursday in a speech that US companies should reconsider the transfer of intellectual property as they expand into China.

Google's modified search engine, dubbed "Dragonfly", "would strengthen the Communist Party's censorship and compromise the privacy of Chinese customers," said Pence.

The news about Google's plan to build a censored search engine in China erupted in August when The Intercept announced that the search platform would list "sensitive issues" on topics such as politics, freedom of speech expression, democracy, human rights and peaceful demonstrations some Google employees.

Two weeks after the report, Google CEO Sundar Pichai told the company's employees that the Chinese plan was in its "first steps" and "exploratory plan."

Google operated its services in China until 2010.

Pichai is due to testify before the Judiciary Committee of the House in November to allay concerns over privacy issues and the entry of the technology giant into the Chinese market.

He confirmed the November program at a private meeting with GOP lawmakers at Capitol Hill in September.

"We remain committed to continuing an active dialogue with members on both sides of the box, working proactively with Congress on a variety of issues, explaining how our products are helping millions of US consumers and businesses, and answering questions, "said Pichai. said in a statement.

(With the exception of the title, this story was not changed by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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