The update of Black Ops 4 & # 39; corrects a bug of looting of power outage


Treyarch has published another Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 This update addressed an important issue that prevented players from looting items correctly in Blackout.

Treyarch released an update that activated the game's rankings, corrected some Specialist exploits that the players were abusing, and opened a double XP weekend for Black Ops 4 multiplayer component. Several problems have been solved, another problem has occurred, preventing players from systematically looting the hidden objects of the death of their enemies. This is an essential part of the game and is one of the most important mechanisms later in a game, when the circle closes and players lack supplies. Waiting to loot a body without being able to do so was naturally frustrating for the players.

Treyarch seems to have solved the problem in an update that does not require a delay, unlike the first large update, a hotfix totaling several gigabytes. Sharing a new publication on Reddit on Saturday, Treyarch detailed what he had done since the game's first major update.

"Since yesterday's update, we have solved the problem of the looting of Death Stashes in Blackout, the application of GKS attachments and some matches of deputies ending with" The game session "No longer available," says Treyarch's note. "In addition, we have made some improvements behind the scenes to the black market progress and we will continue to evaluate progress rates in all areas."

The notes only concern the multiplayer and Blackout mode. As a result, the Zombie Player Mode has not been changed, with the exception of new content and Halloween-themed challenges added in the previous update. Treyarch's complete update notes, including the correction of the Blackout looting and the problems related to the progression in the Battle Pass-like smuggling system, are shown below:


  • Death Stashes
    • Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented players from looting the objects of a Death Stash.


  • General
    • Fixed an issue that prevented players from gaining progress at the Contraband level.
    • Fixed a problem that prevented players from gaining the proper amount of contraband level progression in round parties.
    • Resolution of a problem regarding some MP games ending with "The game session is no longer available".
    • General improvements in black market stability.
  • Create a class
    • Fixed an issue related to attachments applying to GKS.
  • Special equipment number
    • Resolution of a feat that led to an unlimited number of shock mines Seeker.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is now available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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