The update of the Night Sight camera for Pixel 3 is great


The camera on the pixel 3 and 3 XL is already fantastic, but with the latest Google update available on Wednesday, the situation is even better. Known as Night Sight, Google introduced this feature for the first time at the initial launch of Pixel 3 in October. The update allows you to take better pictures in low light without a hard and artificial flash. You'll be able to capture a crisp picture of your plate the next time you take your phone to a dark restaurant.

The front and back cameras of the Pixel 3 will have Night Sight and the update will be broadcast on all pixels, including the Pixel 2/2 XL and original pixel/XL in the next days. (This feature works better on the Pixel 3 and its updated hardware.)

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Night Sight works by taking up to 15 frames in a third of a second. You must therefore hold the phone still for a second or two after the shutter release when rendering the image. The camera uses auto learning to evaluate the color, white balance and proper lighting conditions according to the content of the image. If the camera's gyroscope detects a significant amount of motion blur, its shutter speed will be reduced to reduce it. Click here for more information on Pixel 3's camera technology.

"Night Sight is HDR + on steroids" Marc Levoy, engineer at Google in a previous CNET interview.

Night Sight is available in the Other Camera menu option, but if the camera detects a low light scenario, a small dialog box will automatically appear in the viewfinder of the camera. camera to suggest to activate it.


This Night Sight photo was taken in an almost black room. Although there is a bit of motion blur (especially around faces), the camera still produces an impressive image.

Stephen Shankland / CNET

The functionality works perfectly. With night and twilight settings, Night Sight illuminated scenes with accurate colors and true-to-life lighting sources. But where it really shone (no pun intended), it was in very dimly lit environments. Cameras will always need some light to take a picture, but when I took pictures in a dark room with very little light, the Pixel 3 managed to capture whole objects quite clearly.

To see how Night Sight works, look at these images below. Pictures taken with Night Sight enabled are on the right.

Lynn La / CNET

Lynn La / CNET

Patrick Holland / CNET

CNET editor Patrick Holland, who reviewed the Huawei P20 Pro, said the phone has a similar feature. However, the photos of Pixel 3 ended up appearing more "realistic". In addition, although the Galaxy S9's dual-aperture camera performs well in low light conditions, it shuts off highlights and softens angles. The Pixel 3 with Night Sight captures sharper, more detailed images and a wider dynamic range.

Another CNET publisher, Stephen Shankland, said he preferred the white balance of the Pixel 3's Night 3 to that of the iPhone XS Max. On a park photo, for example, the image of Pixel 3 had warmer tones and colors more true to reality.

To see how these two phones compare, see the images below. The photos taken with the iPhone XS Max are on the left and the Night Sight images of the Pixel 3 are on the right.

Stephen Shankland / CNET

Stephen Shankland / CNET

In general, Night Sight works so well that it could spoil you and give you what you think is a "bad" photo in low light. There were some incidents when I took a picture with Pixel 3 and thought the picture looked "terrible" because it had a grainy appearance and I could see digital artifacts and noise. But shortly thereafter, I quickly realized that I had taken the picture in a nearly black dark and that it was worth noting that the camera had managed to capture whatever it was is.

For even more Night Sight photos, click on the gallery below.

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