The update of Windows October 10, 2018 would require the deletion of user files


Computers have become an integral part of both professional and personal life that people now expect software, especially operating systems, to protect and at least keep their hands on their personal files. Applications and system files can come and go especially during system updates, but users' personal files are considered sacrosanct. However, someone from Microsoft may have forgotten this principle because some users do not claim that the files in their Documents and Images folders disappear after upgrading to the latest version of Windows 10.

A number of users are naturally outraged and panicked to discover files in their user folders, usually under the "Documents" and "Pictures" folders, suddenly missing without any action on their part. All they remembered was the upgrade to the Windows 10 October 2018 update that just came out this week. As usual, users are left to study and theorize, and a culprit seems to stand out: OneDrive.

Some users have assigned it to OneDrive, which may have been baffled by the latest update and started overwriting files in user folders. There was no solid evidence yet, but Microsoft proudly announced its new Storage Detection feature, which allows you to download files that are rarely used on OneDrive. If this were the case, the transition is not as transparent as expected.

Microsoft has not made a statement yet, but it may be too late for the affected users. Their files have all disappeared, some without any recent backup, and no amount of Windows 10 restore would negate the changes made to users' folders, which should never have happened. At least not without the knowledge and consent of users. Even worse, MSPoweruser reported that insiders had already encountered the problem during the testing phase, suggesting that the problem had not been properly resolved before it was launched.

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