The video 'Red Dead Redemption 2' shows how the game evolves over time


Spoiler Warning: The above video may contain spoilers for different settings and events Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2's The world is vast and changes as players spend time there. A new video shows these changes in action with a preview of the landscape before and after.

Uploaded to DefendTheHouse's YouTube channel, the video above shows how the game world is evolving over time, without the players themselves having to intervene. Players may have already noticed that in the many cities and towns of Red Dead Redemption 2There are sites with structures under construction, some of which sometimes represent little more than foundations and sometimes the envelope of a building. But the NPCs working on these houses and railroads do not work in perpetuity, and will eventually complete the projects with fully constructed buildings that can be seen by the players.

One of the earliest examples of such a project is visible in Valentine, the first main institution that players are free to explore. Two different buildings are being assembled in this city and are both shown in the video, one to the left of the general store and the other stuck between the salon and the doctor's facility. Given the time, the first building is finally transformed into "Valentine Restaurant", while the second becomes what seems to be another place to stay for visitors, judging by the sign "Keane's Rooms for Rent".

Changes over time do not always concern construction, as some areas must also be deconstructed to make room for other structures and projects. In some areas of the game, especially around logging companies, players will notice stumps where trees have been cut. With time, areas such as the Appleseed Timber Co. will eventually have a lot less trees and much of the flora will be cleared to make room for cabins, railroad tracks or just to clear the resources.

Then there is also Arthur's beard, although it is a characteristic that changes over time and that players probably already know. Arthur's beard and hair will grow on their own if players leave them unattended and do not visit a barber to get a clean or full cut, but a special tonic is needed at some point to ensure the continued growth of hair.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is now available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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