The Walking Dead development: The last season resumes at the Skybound Games


The repercussions of the closure of Telltale Games in September are still felt in the video game industry. In one corner, you discussed a company's responsibility towards its employees after the old Telltalers confirmed that they had received little or no notice of the studio's closure before the announcement. And on the other hand, you've had conversations about a company's responsibility towards its fans after the apparent cancellation of The Walking Dead: The last season.

Earlier in the day, Skybound Games, the interactive division of The dead who walk Skybound Entertainment by cartoonist Robert Kirkman.

According to a new publication on Skybound's official website, the development of The Walking Dead: The Final Season has resumed thanks to the efforts of a part of the original Telltale team:

After Telltale closed its doors, the game unfortunately could not be worked and the release dates of episodes 3 and 4 were therefore delayed. We are pleased to inform you that many of the talented and passionate members of the team who originally worked on the game are resuming their development efforts today!

The first two episodes of The Walking Dead: The Last Season were released this summer on PC, PS4, Switch and Xbox One. Release dates for Episode 3: Broken Toys and Episode 4: Bring us back will be announced "soon".

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