The winners of the contest use Labo to turn the switch into a Zelda piano


Nintendo Labo's standard kits include models such as robot arms, mini pianos and fishing rods, but some players have been able to use raw materials to create other things, like this wheel for a motorized chair. During the weekend, Nintendo encouraged people to become even more creative with a contest for the craziest and most ambitious creations. Yesterday, the company announced the winners.

The contest had a bunch of different contest categories, each focusing on different criteria, such as aesthetics or functionality. The category "Best Decorated Toy-Con", which rewarded the best design involving joy-against, fell under the touch of a grand piano of a treehouse and d & # 39; a T-Rex painted by hand. The piano, made of paper and clay, is perhaps the most impressive of the three. His keys play ocarina sounds, and he also comes with a master sword that doubles as an IR sticker. When the sword is pulled from the stone base at the top of the Toy-Con, a special animation plays on the screen.

There were two other categories, Best Toy-Con Mod and Best Original Invention. The projects of the winners ranged from an analog alarm clock to a mini-game of tea built around cardboard teapots. The teapots are filled with imaginary tea as soon as the lids are open, and they empty themselves by pouring, with the Switch tablet followed by how much tea is in each and how many customers are waiting on their service. It looks like Tapper the arcade game of the 80's which consists of serving customers beers in a timely manner, but with real accessories. There is even a cooperative mode in which players manage teapots placed on several tables.

What sets me apart is the solar-powered cardboard accordion, which won the award [xyz award] . Most of the design is two tissue boxes, which are connected by a series of folded pieces of paper. One of the boxes houses the Switch, and the other has a series of cut holes for each musical note. The good Joy-Con is located inside the second box, where its sensor can pick up a finger blocking sunlight to enter one of the holes, how much the accordion produces the corresponding sound. Meanwhile, the left Joy-Con is in the second box, followed by rotation and distance so that the musical notes can be expanded and expanded, just like an analog accordion. Like the best creations Labo the design uses super cheap materials assembled in a simple way to create something more impressive than the sum of its parts.

In addition to a scream from Nintendo, each winner also received the special edition Labo-themed Switch that the company revealed for the contest last month.

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