The world that ends with you is not his best choice, but you should still play it


The Nintendo Switch Library, this ever-growing repository of old-fashioned game successes reconditioned in brilliant new forms, has added another classic to its arsenal this week with the reissue of The World Ends With You. This latest version of one of Square Enix's best RPGs comes with motion controls, a two-player cooperative mode and a new storyline, but unfortunately, almost everything that makes this Switch unique experience is either useless or better, be useless. poor at worst.

You can read more about our game thinking when it came out in our original review, but since this Switch port is essentially the optimized version of the mobile version of the game, it does not include any of the two innovative screens from the original game. combat mechanics. While the original allowed you to control two characters simultaneously on the screens of the DS (a true mindf ***, but amazing when he finally clicked), the Switch version reduces that to only one character, the second becoming basically another weapon in your arsenal.

In theory, because of the way attacks are done using the switch's touchscreen, this DS destruction ability of the brain is still present when you juggle multiple weapons (including including your partner) to create chain attacks. Weapons and abilities – called pins in the game – require different movements, such as slashes, keystrokes, directional sweeps, etc., to activate. And in practice, it seems that the frenetic slash and tapping on the switch screen work as well.

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What does not work well, however, are the Switch's Joy-Con movement controls (there is no option for a standard control scheme). The same slashes, swipes and swirls that you can easily extract with the help of the touch screen can be executed by hand movements with the Joy-Con under your hand. As you might expect, controlling The World Ends With You in this way is imprecise, with commands that you feel as if you are grasping not being recognized and others that you are sure not to execute. For a game where fighting can involve the use of multiple weapons against half a dozen or more enemies, this inconsistency is frustrating, making The World Ends With You really attractive to play while your Switch is undocked. If you decide to play with Joy-Cons, the game also allows a friend to take control of your gaming partner during battles. But again, these same loose controls hinder the combat experience, which means that it's not a mode you may come back to very often.

This does not mean, however, that The World Ends With You on the Switch is a failure. On the contrary; For a game released more than 10 years ago on the DS, where teens use advanced technologies like flip phones, the game still seems remarkably relevant and exciting, featuring one of the best stories games. For those who have never experienced it before, The World Ends With You takes place in an alternative version of the trendy shopping district of Shibuya, Tokyo, where recently deceased teenagers work as a team to take on a series of challenges in order to to come back. live. Sometimes dark but always hopeful, The World Ends With You has a captivating story whose themes of identity, independence and our mutual value still resonate today. It also helps the style and presentation of the game in general, and it's no problem that The World Ends With You always has one of the best gaming soundtracks of all time (no argumentation , please).

So ignore these Joy-Con controls. Ignore the two player mode if you wish. The world ends with you may not be showing its best form with this version of Switch, but it's still the same basic experience. And that makes it worth playing for the first time, again.

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