The Xbox One X reaches new heights in the comparison of Red Dead Redemption Consoles II & # 39;

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& # 39; Red Dead Redemption II & # 39;Credit: Rockstar Games

Review after review, including David Leur's thoughtful and balanced analysis of Red Dead Redemption II Forbes praised the world completely realized and beautifully rendered. This is not surprising, as Rockstar is known for its ability to create rich, immersive open worlds and pre-made game trailers RDR2The exit is surprisingly beautiful. The surprise is that the PS4 Pro video seen in the trailers is far from the best version of the game. Red Dead Redemption II on the Xbox One X, head over all other consoles, including Pro. It's a showcase of the superiority of the One X and can prove to be the game that illustrates the best of what this generation of consoles has to offer.

Digital foundry carried out extensive technical analyzes of RDR2 on the Xbox One S, One X, PS4 and Pro. In general, the result is what we have seen countless times before. As for the graphics, the One X shows the path followed in descending order for the Pro, the PS4 and the One S. The story is largely the same for the performances, although the differences between the consoles are not the same. not so clear in some cases.

The real story emerges when you take a closer look at the difference in consoles. It all starts with the resolution.

& # 39; Red Dead Redemption II & # 39;Credit: Digital Foundry

The resolution and its effects of training

Rockstar's graphic and artistic teams have achieved something rare in this generation of consoles. RDR2 does not use the dynamic resolution scale on the consoles and the rendering of the game is entirely in 4K (3840 x 2160) on the One X. You read well. The entire game is displayed in 4K on the One X. None of the other consoles are close. Here are the resolutions for each console as well as a direct comparison expressed as a percentage of 4K.

Console Return Percentage 4K
Xbox One X 3840 x 2160 100%
PS4 Pro 1920 x 2160 50%
PS4 1920×1080 25%
Xbox One S 1536 x 864 16%

The One X puts twice as many pixels on the screen as the Pro, four times more than the PS4 and six times more than the One S.

The number of pixels is important because more pixels result in sharper, clearer and more detailed images that bring RDR2The realistic artistic style to life. If you are sitting at the optimal distance of a 4K screen, RDR2 seems a lot better on the One X simply because the resolution on Microsoft's flagship console is much higher than on others.

But resolution alone is only part of the story. The rest is about how the resolution interacts with many other aspects of the RDR2Visual presentation of.

The anti-aliasing time combined with a lower resolution produces a softer image on the PS4 Pro.Credit: Digital Foundry

Red Dead Redemption II uses time anti-aliasing to smooth diagonal lines and curves. It's a mixed blessing for the Pro and a problem for the One S.

The anti-aliasing temporal softens the lines, it softens the movements when these lines move on the screen. This has the effect of unifying a scene into a coherent and convincing whole by mixing frames. This is one of the main reasons why the image on the Pro is as beautiful as it is.

The disadvantage of temporal anti-aliasing is that the smoothing process softens the image by reducing sharpness and detail. Softening interacts with resolution, so the softening effect increases as the resolution decreases and it does not take long before softness becomes blurred. The negative effect of temporal anti-aliasing is modest at the high resolution of One X. This is more evident on the Pro, although the benefits always outweigh the costs. At the moment we get to the low resolution observed on the One S, the blur has become a serious problem.

Hardening by contact with the shadowsCredit: Digital Foundry

The resolution also interacts with a lot of Red Dead Redemption II & # 39;s high quality visual features. Material textures on character models, varied and sophisticated light effects, hardening of contact for shadows (shadows are sharper near the point where the object projecting shadow meets the ground), management of the LD for near and far objects and the extensive use of parallax occlusion mapping are all areas where RDR2 excelle All these features work better at higher resolutions. Combining them with the huge advantage of One X's resolution, you get a remarkably more beautiful game. (If some technical terms are unfamiliar, see this guide.)

Comparison of the rate between Xbox One X and One S.Credit: Digital Foundry


Red Dead Redemption II limit the frame rate to 30 fps. To reach this target, a new image must be drawn on the screen every 33.3 milliseconds. The One X renders a maximum of 4K all the time, which means that it must push back twice as many pixels on the screen every 33.3 milliseconds as its nearest competitor, the Pro. Given this processing load, you would expect image downs to occur more frequently on the One X, with hardware struggling to keep up. You would be wrong.

Overall, the One X works better than any other console, even if it draws between two and six times more pixels on the screen. There is one exception that I will come back to in a few moments. The frame rate rarely falls below 30 fps on the One X and, if so, it is usually a very short fall of one or two frames. A virtual lock on 30 fps combined with 4K full throughout the game in RDR2The richly detailed open world of is an extraordinary feat for the consoles of the current generation.

All consoles reach the target of 30 frames per second almost all the time when you're in the wild. With the exception of One X, performance generally falls in cities that are more demanding on the system. The fall is only a few pictures on the pro. The One S can fall to around 25 or 26 fps in the highly stressed areas of cities. The PS4 base is a surprise to the extent that it is comparable to or perhaps slightly worse than the One S in these same areas.

The exception mentioned above is a cinematic scene that occurs after a street fight in Valentine City at the beginning of the party. The frame rate decreases on all the consoles during this scene and decreases lower than all the others on the One X. Digital Foundry did not find any other case where the performances on the One X were neither as good or better than the other consoles and had no explanation of what was happening in this movie scene. It's weird.

& # 39; Red Dead Redemption II & # 39;Credit: Rockstar Games


The hype and the anticipation preceding the release of Red Dead Redemption II was extreme. When expectations are high, the following games are often disappointing. This did not happen with RDR2. I think part of the reason is that people were thrilled for the quality of the PS4 Pro's footage in the pre-release trailers, but only to find RDR2 The look is even better on the One X. Rockstar seduced the world without showing us the best version of his game.

In a previous article on the first Red Dead Redemption II gameplay trailer I wrote

The Xbox One X is the only console capable of rendering a complete 4K rendering. If Rockstar engineers can do this without resorting to the dynamic resolution scale while maintaining the outstanding visual quality of the footage recorded on the Pro, the enhanced One X version of Red Dead Redemption 2 is going to be a show show.

I did not think it would happen, but Rockstar did it and it's really a success. Red Dead Redemption II on the One X is so far beyond other consoles that the world is starting to realize that performance-conscious and visual-quality players have recognized and appreciated it since the launch of Microsoft's flagship console there is a year. Almost without exception, multi-platform games have a superior appearance and quality of play on the One X.

Red Dead Redemption II takes the superiority of One X to another level. The game is beautiful and works very well on the Pro. Without a doubt. But it is inefficient, but still more powerful, and its appearance is much better on the One X. If you have a One X, you have no reason to play. RDR2 on another console. If you do not have a One X, RDR2 gives you a good reason to buy one. With the next generation of consoles expected in a year or two, Red Dead Redemption II on the Xbox One X can become the culmination of the current generation of consoles.

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& # 39; Red Dead Redemption II & # 39;Credit: Rockstar Games

Review after review, including David Leur's thoughtful and balanced analysis of Red Dead Redemption II Forbes praised the world completely realized and beautifully rendered. This is not surprising, as Rockstar is known for its ability to create rich, immersive open worlds and pre-made game trailers RDR2The exit is surprisingly beautiful. The surprise is that the PS4 Pro video seen in the trailers is far from the best version of the game. Red Dead Redemption II on the Xbox One X, head over all other consoles, including Pro. It's a showcase of the superiority of the One X and can prove to be the game that illustrates the best of what this generation of consoles has to offer.

Digital foundry carried out extensive technical analyzes of RDR2 on the Xbox One S, One X, PS4 and Pro. In general, the result is what we have seen countless times before. As for the graphics, the One X shows the path followed in descending order for the Pro, the PS4 and the One S. The story is largely the same for the performances, although the differences between the consoles are not the same. not so clear in some cases.

The real story emerges when you take a closer look at the difference in consoles. It all starts with the resolution.

& # 39; Red Dead Redemption II & # 39;Credit: Digital Foundry

The resolution and its effects of training

Rockstar's graphic and artistic teams have achieved something rare in this generation of consoles. RDR2 does not use the dynamic resolution scale on the consoles and the rendering of the game is entirely in 4K (3840 x 2160) on the One X. You read well. The entire game is displayed in 4K on the One X. None of the other consoles are close. Here are the resolutions for each console as well as a direct comparison expressed as a percentage of 4K.

Console Return Percentage 4K
Xbox One X 3840 x 2160 100%
PS4 Pro 1920 x 2160 50%
PS4 1920×1080 25%
Xbox One S 1536 x 864 16%

The One X puts twice as many pixels on the screen as the Pro, four times more than the PS4 and six times more than the One S.

The number of pixels is important because more pixels result in sharper, clearer and more detailed images that bring RDR2The realistic artistic style to life. If you are sitting at the optimal distance of a 4K screen, RDR2 seems a lot better on the One X simply because the resolution on Microsoft's flagship console is much higher than on others.

But resolution alone is only part of the story. The rest is about how the resolution interacts with many other aspects of the RDR2Visual presentation of.

The anti-aliasing time combined with a lower resolution produces a softer image on the PS4 Pro.Credit: Digital Foundry

Red Dead Redemption II uses time anti-aliasing to smooth diagonal lines and curves. It's a mixed blessing for the Pro and a problem for the One S.

The anti-aliasing temporal softens the lines, it softens the movements when these lines move on the screen. This has the effect of unifying a scene into a coherent and convincing whole by mixing frames. This is one of the main reasons why the image on the Pro is as beautiful as it is.

The disadvantage of temporal anti-aliasing is that the smoothing process softens the image by reducing sharpness and detail. Softening interacts with resolution, so the softening effect increases as the resolution decreases and it does not take long before softness becomes blurred. The negative effect of temporal anti-aliasing is modest at the high resolution of One X. This is more evident on the Pro, although the benefits always outweigh the costs. At the moment we get to the low resolution observed on the One S, the blur has become a serious problem.

Hardening by contact with the shadowsCredit: Digital Foundry

The resolution also interacts with a lot of Red Dead Redemption II & # 39;s high quality visual features. Material textures on character models, varied and sophisticated light effects, hardening of contact for shadows (shadows are sharper near the point where the object projecting shadow meets the ground), management of the LD for near and far objects and the extensive use of parallax occlusion mapping are all areas where RDR2 excelle All these features work better at higher resolutions. Combining them with the huge advantage of One X's resolution, you get a remarkably more beautiful game. (If some technical terms are unfamiliar, see this guide.)

Comparison of the rate between Xbox One X and One S.Credit: Digital Foundry


Red Dead Redemption II limit the frame rate to 30 fps. To reach this target, a new image must be drawn on the screen every 33.3 milliseconds. The One X renders a maximum of 4K all the time, which means that it must push back twice as many pixels on the screen every 33.3 milliseconds as its nearest competitor, the Pro. Given this processing load, you would expect image downs to occur more frequently on the One X, with hardware struggling to keep up. You would be wrong.

Overall, the One X works better than any other console, even if it draws between two and six times more pixels on the screen. There is one exception to which I will return in a few moments. The frame rate rarely falls below 30 fps on the One X and, if so, it is usually a very short fall of one or two frames. A virtual lock on 30 fps combined with 4K full throughout the game in RDR2The richly detailed open world of is an extraordinary feat for the consoles of the current generation.

All consoles reach the target of 30 frames per second almost all the time when you're in the wild. With the exception of One X, performance generally falls in cities that are more demanding on the system. The fall is only a few pictures on the pro. The One S can fall to around 25 or 26 fps in the highly stressed areas of cities. The PS4 base is a surprise to the extent that it is comparable to or perhaps slightly worse than the One S in these same areas.

The exception mentioned above is a cinematic scene that occurs after a street fight in Valentine City at the beginning of the party. The frame rate decreases on all the consoles during this scene and decreases lower than all the others on the One X. Digital Foundry did not find any other case where the performances on the One X were neither as good or better than the other consoles and had no explanation of what was happening in this movie scene. It's weird.

& # 39; Red Dead Redemption II & # 39;Credit: Rockstar Games


The hype and the anticipation preceding the release of Red Dead Redemption II was extreme. When expectations are high, the following games are often disappointing. This did not happen with RDR2. I think part of the reason is that people were thrilled for the quality of the PS4 Pro's footage in the pre-release trailers, but only to find RDR2 The look is even better on the One X. Rockstar seduced the world without showing us the best version of his game.

In a previous article on the first Red Dead Redemption II gameplay trailer I wrote

The Xbox One X is the only console capable of rendering a complete 4K rendering. If Rockstar engineers can do this without resorting to the dynamic resolution scale while maintaining the outstanding visual quality of the footage recorded on the Pro, the enhanced One X version of Red Dead Redemption 2 is going to be a show show.

I did not think it would happen, but Rockstar did it and it's really a success. Red Dead Redemption II on the One X is so far beyond other consoles that the world is starting to realize that performance-conscious and visual-quality players have recognized and appreciated it since the launch of Microsoft's flagship console there is a year. Almost without exception, multi-platform games have a superior appearance and quality of play on the One X.

Red Dead Redemption II takes the superiority of One X to another level. The game is beautiful and works very well on the Pro. Without a doubt. But it is inefficient, but still more powerful, and its appearance is much better on the One X. If you have a One X, you have no reason to play. RDR2 on another console. If you do not have a One X, RDR2 gives you a good reason to buy one. With the next generation of consoles expected in a year or two, Red Dead Redemption II on the Xbox One X can become the culmination of the current generation of consoles.

If you are interested in video games, here are some articles that might interest you.

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