There is yet another Bubsy game in preparation, this time by the Bit.Trip team


Ah, Bubsy. The 16-bit mascot of the 1990s, widely despised, made an unexpected comeback last year in the form of Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back. While last year had been developed by the Giana Sisters: the Twisted Dreams Black Forest Games studio, the Bubsy 2018 will be the work of Choice Provisions – the studio responsible for the Bit.Trip series.

According to Bubsy's official website, Paws on Fire will have 100 levels, four playable characters with their own movement sets and a unique combo system, although I'm not sure what that means. The game will also see the return of characters from the Bubsy universe such as Oinker, Terri, Terry and others.

The Woolies Strike Back is currently ranked in the "Mixed" category on Steam, which is probably better than most of us would expect from a Bubsy game. I cross my fingers so that Paws on Fire is very fun. I really do it. The stupid orange meerkat deserves a breakthrough.

Here is a trailer:

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