This cosplay of Assassin's Creed Odyssey Kassandra is absolutely gorgeous


Lord. At first glance, I actually thought that this Kassandra cosplay from Assassin's Creed Odyssey was a flawless digital rendering and high resolution. I had to make a double take to confirm that no, it's a human being in a suit. Skunk & Weasel 's Skunk Cosplayer has everything from Roman to a Kassandra loyal to the game, though to me, the reality looks even better and more detailed than the one I have. digital inspiration.

"The costumes took us two full months – about 250 hours to finish," wrote Skunk in a Facebook commentary about one of the photos, all taken by photographer EosAndy. Skunk teamed up with another cosplayer, RBF-productions-NL, who played Alexios from Odyssey. Check out some more photos from the pair below and go to the Facebook gallery to preview scenes of behind-the-scenes production of costumes being made, as well as cosplay from other games.

Thanks to PC Gamer Club member Apollo for drawing my attention to Skunk & Weasel's cosplay.

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