This discrete moment has changed on Red Dead Redemption 2


By playing the early hours of Red Dead Redemption 2, I heard myself with some kind of … kind of hate. The sprawling western western of Rockstar was just not for me. It was too painful, too deliberate, too tedious and too boring. So many systems of the game seemed deliberately designed to prevent you from having fun while playing. It did not matter how much I loved the original Red Dead Redemption – a game that I had completely finished in 2010, despite many similar problems – I was getting ready to let the sequel go on until it ended. at sunset that is removing that on my PS4 hard drive.

Then I hit one of the best scenes of the game (at least until now), and that changed me in the opinion.

It's not really an easy task to get to this stage if you're already in conflict with the pace of the game. This comes to Chapter 2, after you've done a lot of tutoring missions, namely learning brushing horses, hunt and hunt game in the wild and improve the camp. The story of Red Dead 2 is not particularly in a hurry to train you, but you eventually spend time with all the characters of the Van der Linde gang, and hanging out with them begins to become history. in herself. A mission sees you and your comrades mounting a rescue mission to rescue Sean, an outlaw friend who was captured by bounty hunters off the screen in previous Blackwater work that was taking place before the beginning of the match.

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It's not the mission to rescue Sean that paved the way for Red Dead 2. It's another common video game mission to "fight a group of men" in which you shoot down a small army by retreating behind trees to hide the incoming fire. The shooting game of Red Dead 2 is not particularly engaging most of the time; letting the wizard aim at the game does the work for you, but disabling it makes choosing targets difficult and tricky. But the gang and I managed to clear the bounty hunters who hold Sean and secure his release, safe and sound.

One night, shortly after saving Sean, I went back to the camp to find everyone in a good mood. Dutch, the leader of the gang, said Sean's return was a major victory. Shortly after, a full party started. Scattered groups of the band started beating whiskey, singing, dancing and talking. The camp came to life when the characters went wild and enjoyed themselves very rarely.

The party scene is, until now, what I prefer in Red Dead 2. You can walk around, sit by a campfire and join other gang members singing songs , whose protagonist Arthur does not always know all the words. . You can ask one of the women in the band to dance and take it a bit awkwardly or to offer a quick dive. You can listen to a range of interactions, including Sean trying to convince one of the camp's women, Karen, that he is in love with her, and then meet them under a tent, where both of them collapse in tears caused by whiskey. It's a moment that's both heartfelt and hilarious, especially when Sean collapses behind the tent and playfully calls Arthur a slip.

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The party lasts all night, and even if there is not much to do from the point of view of the gameplay, this is one of the best moments of Red Dead 2 because it takes advantage of what is great in the game: his characters. You spend the holiday just learning about gang members and the time spent with them deepens the moments of the story and the conversations that will follow.

It is also nice to find that in Red Dead 2 there are ways to interact with his world that do not show up after a cannon. The game industry is full of triple-A titles that offer huge, beautiful and imaginative worlds, but the only way to participate in these worlds is to kill everything they contain. Despite all this imagination, the reality of the games on offer is usually quite narrow: kill or be killed. In Red Dead 2, there are at least these other opportunities in which interacting with characters is as rewarding as stopping or shooting them.

Video games as a medium still struggle to try to tell fascinating stories, focusing specifically on plot and action, while relegating the development of characters and building the world to the rank of notes and audio diaries to collect. Players often feel that their creators are concerned that if players do not constantly run from one battle to the next, they stop playing – there is no time left. to lose playing many games with players, even if it is the players who compose them. make humans so interested in the stories in the first place.

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Red Dead 2 is not afraid to let you stop and spend time with his characters. The party scene does not have a real game loop, no achievement or trophy is related to it, and you can essentially adjust your controller for the most part. The confidence of Red Dead 2 in his characters is such that the game suits you, you do not play a moment, but you just stay there, at that moment, he tries to create for you. Rockstar's willingness to try to leave you in times like this is refreshing because many games and developers are not. When other developers look into the success of Red Dead 2, I hope that is the lesson that they will learn from it.

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