This new mysterious Pokémon finally has a name: Meltan


Screenshot: Pokemon Company (Pokemon: Let's Go)

During the weekend, this bizarre Pokémon began to appear Pokemon Go. The players wanted to know more, but they could not even catch it. when they tried, the creature often turned into a ditto. No shortage of memes and conspiracy theories followed, but this morning, Nintendo introduced the creature in a new Pokemon: let's go trailer like the mythical Pokemon Meltan.

We still do not know much about the new Pokemon Hex Nut. According to the game's website, it is steel-type, weighs just under 20 pounds and measures just eight inches. Here is the rest of the official description:

"Most of Meltan's body is made from liquid metal and its shape is very fluid. He can use his liquid arms and legs to corrode the metal and absorb it into his own body.

According to a press release, release Meltan Let's go will also require players to do something in Pokemon Go, but what has been done has not been shared yet.

Obviously a curious Pokémon, Meltan is very expressive and interested in all sorts of things.

Meltan generates electricity by using the metal that it absorbs from outside sources. He uses this electricity as a source of energy and as an attack that can be drawn from his eye.

The first observation of Meltan was an icon in Pokemon Go discovered by a data miner last Friday. Then, Saturday, Pokemon Go Players at Chikorita Community Day events in Asia and Europe were able to detect it in the wild, even though it remained inaccessible.

Without any real information, the Internet has dubbed the mysterious new creature Nutto, after its hexagonal head and its propensity to turn into idem, and to produce a lot of fanart renderings in his honour. Some suspected that it was perhaps only a disguised Ditto, but while this possibility is mentioned in the trailer for Meltan, Professor Oak clearly shows that Meltan is something unique.

We will probably know more about Meltan in the next few weeks. Pokemon Go and certainly once Pokemon: let's go outings on November 16th.

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