This pattern is Fallout 76 & # 39; hilarious (and useless) is perfect for mountain moms


Some mods in games are majestic, building on worlds of grandeur and imaginary exploration that players can enjoy and lose. Others offer us Thomas, the Tank Engine Panties and Mountain Momma. But to be fair … everyone needs a Mountain Momma panties and now you can have your own pair with this Fallout 76 mod!

(Photo: Nexus Mods)

This mod is simple. See the panties, wear the panties. According to Fallout 76 creator of the mod, "Now you can travel the desert knowing that even if your underwear still has spots, these spots are no longer so visible.You are now free to discard your underwear and your outfit and live a fight by permanently proclaiming in yellow the text in letters on your hips stating that you are the mother of the mountain (and all the others too, since it is a replacement mod). others may not be able to see the underwear enhancements you've made to your world, it's your mission to raise awareness about the bad condition of underwear and offer them this mod like solution. "

(Photo: Nexus Mods)

It's pretty easy to install too, just add the file to your Fallout76Custom.ini file and boom – you're ready to go! It is important to note that this is an online game and although Bethesda has promised that mod support is about to arrive, it is not yet available. So, before downloading, just ask yourself if panties are worth a ban.

If your answer to this question is "yes," then log on to Nexus Mods and start downloading today!

As for the game itself, Fallout 76 is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Although official mods are still not available, this did not stop players from creating their own creations – as PC gamers do so often. Want to know more about Wasteland Online? We have you covered:

"From now on, I love hell." I would have liked a Fallout 5? Absolutely, but Fallout 76 is charming and it's really a new perspective on a franchise that did not necessarily need it, but it is nevertheless welcome, "reads in our current article.

"I understand why many might not find their particular cup of tea, but I noticed that many opponents left him no chance.The world" online "has become almost scary with all the cheats, hackers, Many see in the word "online" a series of jumps, but that's not the case here, I feel like you're a fan of Fall, This will surprise you by how familiar it is. Play alone, play solo, play it your way knowing that it's not Fallout 5, but something else entirely. "

Like Fallout and modding? Have we just become better friends? Do not hesitate to follow the author of this story on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy for fangirl at a time!

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