This release date of Grand Theft Auto 6 is false


Grand Theft Auto Online players reported receiving messages in the game that Grand Theft Auto 6 would be launched in 2019. Rockstar Games developer responded to the rumors, confirming that the posts are fake and not coming official channels. The players reported receiving the message, which reads "Rockstar GTA VI Coming 2019 Message", on Reddit and the GTA online forum. This inevitably prompted people to ask Rockstar Support's Twitter account about it. The answer follows:

Although Rockstar has not provided any information on how this has happened, the Reddit community has speculated that & rsquo; An opportunistic hacker uses mods and a flaw in the messaging system of the Rockstar Social Club to send the message. Perhaps the biggest gift is that pop-up messages appear mainly in the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game, where mods are more prevalent.

Obviously, it would be incredibly out of character for Rockstar to just reveal the release date for the next entry in his biggest franchise in such a random way. Rockstar likes to be very measured in the way he reveals games, delivering ephemeral matches and small details that fuel the excitement.

On top of that, GTA 6 announced by chance announces all the thunder of its upcoming game: Red Dead Redemption 2. As confirmed in July, the release date of Red Dead Redemption 2 is October 26, 2018. The sequel expected will be available for PS4 and Xbox One. Rockstar has not said if the game is coming on PC, but one of the programmers working on the game has indicated that Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC is under development.

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