This simple Fortnite turn reduces fall damage by 75%


Fortnite Battle Royale is a unique Royal Battle game due to its construction aspect. This is what sets it apart from other games of the same kind, and what makes it so much fun. Plus, construction skills are usually what separates the average Fortnite players from the really good ones.

However, most players do not build huge structures unless they have a solid foundation. If you build something more than five stories or more, players suffer from falling damage if someone destroys their structure. Fortunately, the new Fortnite tower reduces fall damage by 75% in some situations, and can save your life.

This fortnite trick can help you escape difficult situations

Fortnite trick to reduce fall damage

The YouTube duo named The Gamer Couple recently released this fortnite trick. The trick is very simple and anyone can do it, but it can save your life in many situations. Plus, the trick lets you fall from the seven-story structure and survive!

Many Fortnite players drop a ramp, reducing the damage caused by the fall. However, using a pyramid at the top of a ramp will further reduce the damage, sometimes allowing players to retain most of their health.

The YouTubers have briefly summarized the effectiveness of this method.

5 floors:

  • A fall on flat ground does 49 damage.
  • A fall at the top of a ramp equals 25.
  • A fall on a ramp with a pyramid is only 12.

6 floors:

  • A fall on flat land inflicts 98 damage.
  • A fall on the top of a ramp makes 55.
  • A fall on a ramp with a pyramid is only 34.

7 floors:

  1. A fall on a flat ground kills you.
  2. A fall at the top of a ramp kills you.
  3. A fall on a ramp with a pyramid is only 76 damage.

While climbing seven floors, players only have 24 life points, this trick can be used for a quick escape against a better builder. In addition, reaching six floors and falling on a ramp pyramid structure would leave 66 life, and most players can afford to do so.

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