THQ Nordic Acquires Rights to Kingdoms of Amalur Series


Today, THQ Nordic announced by Twitter and a press release indicating that they had acquired the rights to the Amalur IP Realms and other assets of Studio 38, which were demolished. No other announcements have been made regarding THQ's plans for the future of the series.

When asked to comment, THQ Nordic responded to Twinfinite saying, "We said everything we had to say. We will come back with more information when we have something to say. What THQ intends to do with the Kingdoms of Amalur series, if it is, will probably take months or even years to materialize.

Kingdoms of Amalur and the history of 38 studios have been an interesting story to follow in the industry. 38 Studios were founded by former Major League Baseball thrower Curt Schilling; the 38 in the studio name is based on his jersey number. Founded in 2006 under the name of Green Wall Games, 38 studios have worked on several projects that have never been commercialized. Schilling's initial vision was to create an MMO, but after a number of studio acquisitions, it was possible to work on two projects simultaneously, the second being Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning launched in early 2012 to generally positive reviews, although the spectrum is wide enough. The game contains an 81 on Metacritic at the time of the declaration. An MMO, codenamed Copernicus, was currently under development. The Copernicus project was also bought by THQ Nordic

It was at this point that the affairs of 38 Studios began to derail. The studio was in default of a million dollars due to the state of Rhode Island. On May 18, 2012, more than two weeks after the payment due date, the studio finally made the payment in dubious circumstances. It later became apparent that the company did not pay this week and left its employees dry. 38 studios declared bankruptcy four days later on May 24 and closed. The legal battles between Schilling and Rhode Island have been raging for years.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning was the only title out of 38 studios. Let's hope that THQ Nordic can give fans the follow-up that they have so long desired and show the Copernicus project in the light of day.

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