THQ Nordic still needs EA's permission to remaster the kingdoms of Amalur



Will Electronic Arts give the go-ahead on a Reckoning remaster?

By Nick Santangelo

Fans of 38 Kingdoms of Amalur Studios: Reckoning was excited about the possibilities when THQ Nordic bought the property from its creator today, but there would be another hurdle to overcome.

Eurogamer reports that THQ Nordic explained that EA still had the rights to publish the franchise.

"EA still has Reckoning's publication rights," a THQ Nordic representative told Eurogamer.

THQ would not comment further on its relationship with EA, but it had a little more about its acquisition of the Kingdoms of Amalur property and its future plans.

"At this point, we have" only "acquired intellectual property," said the representative of THQ Nordic. "Given our track record, we know what the burning issues are (remaster, remake, port to current systems, etc.), but we decided to do it [sic] do not answer these questions especially because we tend to get together first and then to do our homework, and we only start talking about something once we are convinced and very familiar with the franchise . "

THQ Nordic acquired the license from Amalur last week. IGN greatly enjoyed Kingdoms of Amalur 2012: Reckoning, the only game to be released in the franchise, awarding it a 9.0 in our journal Kingdoms of Amalur. But all was well for the franchise, as a planned suite and an MMO were canceled following the continuation of 38 studios by Rhode Island and the closure of its doors.

Nick Santangelo is a freelance writer based in Philadelphia. He loved the kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and wants a sequel. Follow him on Twitter.

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