Tides of Vengeance "is" the battle for the first major update of Azeroth since its launch


The first day of the BlizzCon 2018 is now over and the World of Warcraft The team continues to show why their MMORPG remains a success so long after its release. With the Battle for Azeroth With the expansion being launched earlier this year, the Blizzard team has revealed a whole new series of content coming in for players' enjoyment. Tides of revenge.

"The war between the Horde and the Alliance is reaching a crucial turning point in Tides of Vengeance, the first major update of Battle for Azeroth content, which will bring new content, including the Dazar Battle & # 39; then, the front of the Battle of Darkshore, and more, "said Blizzard in a recent press release.

The new adventure arrives on December 11 and puts the night elves back in the spotlight. But this is not an epic extension of the narrative while the Horde is fighting the Alliance in a cinematic way.

For the first time in World of Warcraft In the story, a Horde raid against Alliance will also be offered to the players, which will make it a record challenge for both factions.

At the opening ceremony of Blizzard for their celebration, they presented a cinematic depicting a brand new war front where we saw a Horde team completely overrun by Malfurion Stormrage and other Druids. While Alliance players help Malfurion in his brutality and fight to be recovered, Camp Horder can defend his honor for everything he knows about the world of Azeroth.

In addition to the new war front, Tides of revenge will also offer new slots to discover by players with a smaller raid to come. The war between the Horde and Alliance factions will end when the raid on the Battle of Dazar will be launched in early 2019.

What did you think of the last World of Warcraft reveal? Glad to beat you once again for your faction, or will you be too busy concentrating on World of Warcraft: classic? Join the conversation in the comment section below!

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