Tim Cook, Eddy Cue and others share memories of Steve Jobs, working at Infinite Loop, more


Steven Levy of Wired came out with an excellent article featuring Apple executives telling their favorite memories while working on the company's Infinite Loop campus, working with Steve Jobs, and much more. The article features quotes from Tim Cook, Eddy Cue, Phil Schiller, Scott Forstall and many other current and former Apple executives.

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At the first installation of Apple at Infinite Loop, Greg Joswiak remembers the passage of cubes to everyone who had their own office – and the curious naming scheme of the conference rooms:

"They quickly built this campus, and it was obviously a brilliant object. Everyone wanted to move in. It was a gigantic change in the way we worked, because we had gone from cubes to, suddenly, literally every person had an office.

The original inhabitants of all floors had to name their own conference rooms. It's a very strange set of names. We have rooms like here and there. I always have the most trouble keeping it upright. Which one is here, which one is it?

Meanwhile, Scott Forstall – vice president of Apple's software from 1997 to 2012 – said that navigating the buildings of the infinite loop was tantamount to navigating through a maze.

These buildings were labyrinths. Whenever I took someone on campus, they got lost. There was only one time I remember someone who did not get lost, and that was when we were working on a screen reader for people with visual disabilities. I brought someone who needed a blind dog.

He asked to use the toilet. Whenever this happened, I was waiting because they would get lost trying to find their way back. Left, right, left, right, right. Five minutes later, his dog brings him back into the room. This dog-eye was the only one to know his way the first time.

Phil Schiller remembers the weekly delivery of a magazine where everyone would get Macworld and MacWEEK since "we have not received all our news on the Internet yet."

"Things were so different then: there was no cell phone, not even Wi-Fi. We still have not received all our news on the internet, so the fall of the magazines was a big problem for everyone. Someone was walking with the postal basket of all the magazines and we were getting our Macworlds and MacWEEKs and look at the column of rumors on the last page and say, "Uh, oh, who fled?"

Tim Cook remembers having to cross a picket line to enter the building on his first day at Apple. The protesters were unhappy that Steve Jobs had decided to kill the Newton, said Cook:

The first day at work, I had to cross a picket to get into the building – they came out with placards and screams and I wonder: "What am I going to do? did I? "I learned that Steve had decided to kill the Newton. I told him there were protesters outside, and he said, "Oh yes, do not worry about it."

Over the years, several traditions have been established at Infinite Loop, and Phil Schiller has highlighted one at the beginning: Friday night, Scotch tape with Jon Rubinstein, who worked on the Mac and iPod teams before leaving for Palm:

In the first two years, Jon Rubinstein had this fun tradition where we met on a Friday night. He had a bottle of Scotch in his drawer and we were shooting – not a lot, just one or two. He had these little Dixie cups, each with your name down.

Mike Slade, who was special assistant to Apple's CEO from 1999 to 2004, says Jobs is very successful in his office:

I can probably count on my fingers the number of times Steve has entered my office. Once he came into my office and he closed the door saying, "I have to talk to you about something really important." I said, "What? cheese – he did not think his kids should eat it but Laurene thought it was a source of protein. I said, "Steve, you may be right, but I think it's an argument that if you win, you lose. Do not you just let her call? The next time he comes to my office is Fall 2003. He says, "I have to tell you something – I have pancreatic cancer, I'm dying. crying, and I'm crying, and that's awful. So it was Monday.

The complete piece is definitely worth reading at Wired. There are many details about Apple's growth at Infinite Loop, its transition to Apple Park, its work with Steve Jobs, and so on.

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