Tips and tricks for beginners


Tips and Tricks for LTM Fortnite Beginners The Getaway High Stakes

Communication is the key

If we've already learned one thing from jumping into Fortnite High Stakes game mode, it's that communication is of paramount importance here. If you thought it was difficult to play Fortnite Squads without talking to your teammates, it's a whole new level.

Given that High Stakes has a little more trouble being content to be the last team, you have to be a bit more tactical. You all want to land together, you want to call the enemies and stay alive, and you want to make sure you run and shoot all three for the same safe to get that essential gem.

Things get worse once you've gotten the jewel, with the wearer rolling 10% slower than usual, even if he has a shield shot and a health regen.

Ensuring that you communicate at all times in High Stakes means that you can protect each other when needed, or complain about the opposing team's jewelry rack to prevent them from leaving.

We strongly advise you not to play High Stakes with your friends, or at least with people you can talk to easily at the microphone. Otherwise, it's just a recipe for disaster.

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