Tips For Playing Red Dead Redemption 2


Red Dead Redemption 2 is an absurdly big game, full of secrets, systems, and hidden surprises. It's possible to just learn how to do it by playing, but its a few words can be overwhelming and a little confusing. I'm here to help.

I've learned a lot about how Red Dead 2 I'm thinking about who's starting out. Just a note up front that these tips are far from comprehensive, and there is still a lot that I do not know.

Start by refreshing yourself on the first game's story.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is closely associated with its 2010 predecessor. Because it's a prequel, it's a lot of the same characters, and the story is more rewarding if you have a good memory of what John Marston got up to last time around. If you do not have a spare, however, do not worry, you can just watch Tim Rogers' entertaining and informative recap video:

Take it slow.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is outrageously detailed and unusually slow-paced. It will tell you to slow down at every opportunity, so listen to it. Take your time. There is so much to see and do.

… at least, until you get to where you just want to see what happens.

With that said, there is a point where the game's story begins to pick up speed. You might feel like you want to just push forward and see how it all shakes out. That's fine; The most important thing you'll ever be able to do in your life.

Manually save from time to time.

It's never a bad idea to manually save your game, or to keep multiple saves. So, do that! Do not rely on an autosave, since the game saves constantly and you might find yourself wanting to undo a murderous spree, or more likely, save a fallen horse.

Your completion rate and story percentage are in two separate places.

If you're wondering how far you are in the story, check the story in the progress menu. When you save your game, however, you'll see a different, lower percentage next to your save file. That's your overall game completion, which includes collectables, stranger missions, and other side stuff.

Rent rooms in town to change your outfit and sleep away from camp.

In many of the game's towns, you can stay in your room. Those rooms are more than just a place to rest; You can also change your clothes and use them as a home-away-from-camp. If you're going for it, it can be nice to grab a room.

Do not buy guns.

You'll get almost every hand in the game for free through missions missions, so it's rarely worth it to spend your precious cowboy bucks on a gun. Save your gun-money for customizations, which you should definitely pay for, especially things like sights and rifling that improve each weapon's performance. You should also upgrade to the bandolier, which increases your ammo capacity.

Do not worry about money too much in the early goings.

Arthur is almost broke for the first bit of the game, and everything seems really expensive. Just keep playing missions, and pretty soon you'll have more money to start getting better gear. Once you do, the game opens up a bit, since it becomes easier to pay off your bounties and buy whatever you want in stores.

Talk to people more than ounce.

Arthur Morgan can interact with any person (or animal) he comes across in the game, which can lead to some fascinating conversations and unpredictable interactions. Keep in mind that you can talk to people more than ounce; each one is more than just a one-off interaction. "Greet" someone more than once, and the conversation will usually start with the second one. It's pretty cool.

To raise your reputation, go around greeting folks.

Arthur's "honor" meter keeps track of whether he's been a hero or a villain, and moves up and down based on your actions. Shoot some unarmed civilians or rob a stagecoach, and your honor may go down. Help someone out, and it'll go up. Arthur's journal entries and his dreams. I played the game with a high level of honor and thought the story worked really well; I'm not sure what it's like if you play as a jerk.

If you're lucky enough, you can get it pretty fast just by walking around and greeting folks on the street. Every few people you greet, you'll get a bit more honor. You'll also get to hear some cool conversations, so, win win.

Name (and take care of) your horse.

There are more horse options at the steady than you might be aware of, so take the time to explore them all. You can name or rename any horse under the "services" menu in the stable, and I recommend doing so. I also recommend that you get your horse back to work, and that you will be able to do it better.

Stay for the whole party.

At a few points in the story, everyone at camp will come together for a party. Each party is incredibly well done, as people drink, wander, cat, tell stories, and sing songs. It's a bit like attending an immersive theater production like Sleep No More, and you can freely walk around the world. Occasionally during parties, it seems to be more or less popular. It's wild.

Parts are also a good place to get insight into the people in the gang and their relationship with Arthur, but with one another. Understanding the relationships will help make more involved story developments Parts go on for a while, and it's possible to just go to sleep and keep the story moving. My recommendation is to stay for the whole thing. Parties do not happen that often, and they're pretty special.

Hold down the menu button to go straight to the map.

The map in Red Dead 2 may seem like it can be accessed through the menu, but you can get to it faster by holding down the start / options button.

Travel using cinematic mode.

When it's time to get from point A to point B, you'll usually have to hop on your horse and ride. That can be a way to get around, but it can be a lot of riding, it can also become tedious. Fortunately, you have a variety of other options. My favorite of those is the "cinematic camera" you can trigger by holding down the options / trackpad button. It lowers black bars and makes the game look more like a movie, but it takes you to a pointpoint. All you have to do is push the X / A button to keep your horse moving. If you need to get somewhere and want to just get back and enjoy the view, set a manual waypoint in the map, turn on the cinematic camera, and chill.

There you can unlock in camp.

I did not go anywhere Red Dead 2 or by using the cinematic camera or, occasionally, by buying a train ticket. However, if you'd prefer to have some more experience, you can unlock one's camp upgrade. You have to upgrade Dutch's first attempt, which unlocks an upgrade to Arthur's tent that lets him fast-travel from camp. It's pricy-more than $ 500 for both upgrades combined-it's worth it.

Understand how stats, cores, and leveling all work.

The game does a poor job of explaining cores and stats, so I'm going to try a better job. In the lower-left corner of the screen you will see three separate attributes, each denoted by a white symbol. The heart is for your health, the lightning is your stamina, and the eye is your dead-eye, or slow-mo aiming. When you're on your horse, you'll be able to get better with your horse. (Your horse does not have dead-eye, but how would it be if it did?)

From left: three mostly full cores; slightly drained health and dead-eye cores; the five rings that appear when you're on a horse.

Health is hit points. Stamina governs how much you can run, so if you run out, you become winded. Dead eye governs how long you can activate slow-mo while aiming.

As far as the icons go, the symbol itself is your "core," and the ring around it is the amount of the thing you have left. If you lower the ring a bit-say, run for a while, draining some of your stamina-it will slowly fill you back up once you stop. Ditto with damage, or dead-eye use. The "core" is what regenerates the ring. If you take damage, run, or use deadheads in your mind, you will lose your mind, and if you lose your heart, you will not be able to regenerate anything. (If your health core depletes entirely, you'll die.)

You can refill rings by taking a tonics, and even supercharge them with a full yellow ring. However, you can only refill cores by eating, drinking, or, for dead eye, smoking. It's worth carrying around some canned food for you, but it will not be long before you cook it out. (Also, the same thing applies to horses, if you want to quickly refill its cores.)

Last thing: your rings are partial because each is not fully leveled up. To level a stat, use it. Run to raise your stamina, get kills to get your dead eye, and get bow or melee kills (also dynamite kills, I think?) To raise your health. You can check your progress towards the next unlock, by selecting "player" in the main menu, then selecting Arthur.

Hopefully that makes sense. I found it hard to get my head around at first, but I did not care, it was not that tough to keep track of.

Do not worry too much about personal payments or personal upkeep (if you do not want to).

There's a fair bit of upkeep in this game, both personal and communal. You'll have to eat food and keep it clean and keep it up to speed.

For those who want to just focus on the story without worrying about managing all that, do not worry: it's not super crucial. You will not be kicked out of the gang if you do not contribute very much, and will not eat it. Those systems are more for people who want to engage with them, However …

Eat something, young man, you look thin as a rail.

It is a good idea to eat when given the chance, not just to replenish your cores, but to keep your body weight up. If you get too much underweight, it's still going to be too low, and you're going to have a lot of time (I was underweight for a lot of the story), it's still never good to be underweight. Anytime you're camping, eat a little more food than just raise your cores. Arthur's a big guy, and he needs food.

Understand how bounties work.

Bounties in Red Dead 2 are a little more complicated than they first seem, or at least a bit less consistent. If you commit a crime and are spotted, the witness will go report you. You'll see "Witness" in the upper corner of the screen. Check your map or look around and you can usually find that person. Once you do, it's possible to shoot them or just scare them into the distance. If you are reported, however, the law will come calling. Flee the area and you might be fine. But many times, you'll get a bounty put on your head.

Once you have a bounty, it only applies in the state where you committed the crime. Bounty hunters will be ready for you in packs, and they can really kill you if they catch you unawares. Leave the state and you'll be fine, or you can pay off the bounty at the post office.

Early in the game I did not understand what the red borders on the world map mean; I thought it meant that I could not get through that border territory without getting attacked. Fortunately, that's not the case. You can easily have a bounty; the red area is just saying that you're wanted in that state. This might be one of those things that only confused me, but I figured it was worth at least mentioning.

Cycle through interaction options with the shoulder button.

Sometimes when you're in a position to get something up, you'll find that you're stuck with the interaction. You want to pick up those cigarettes, not sit down! Fortunately you can press the right button to cycle through possible targets; you'll see a couple of little white dots that indicate how many options you have. Cycle them to find what you want.

Take the time to go through your inventory.

Holding right on the D-pad will open your satchel, which will let you peruse your valuables, documents, and other stuff you've picked up. Go through your documents in particular, because they have been carefully crafted and do a lot to get you out of the world. For example, in Valentine, you'll probably pick up a mission that involves tracking down to a bunch of famous gunslingers, and you might find yourself unsure what to do next. Examine the photographs in your inventory and turn them around, and you'll learn more about each person. That person's location will be added to your map.

Play in first-person mode, at least occasionally.

By pressing the camera-distance button (back on Xbox One, touchpad on PS4) a few times, you can cycle into an immersive first-person view, just like in the current-gen and PC versions of Grand Theft Auto V. Perhaps even more so than in that game, Red Dead 2'S first-person view is overwhelming, to the point that I actually rarely used it while I was playing through the story. I also preferred to actually see Arthur because I found it easier to connect with his character.

However, when I'm just going around in the open world, it's pretty damn cool, to drink in the sights. If you find first-person riding horse, driving vehicle, or off-putting cover, you can turn those off in the menu options. The camera will pop up to a third-person, a horse, or in cover.

I took this one with Arthur's camera.

Do not forget your camera.

Arthur carries a camera around him, and it's pretty fun to use. Access it in the "items" wheel, over on the right where the binoculars are. You can set the camera and take photographs, or even hit the thumbstick to take a self-portrait. It's hard to articulate, but see the world through the lens of an in-game camera.

Clean your guns.

Your weapons get dirty pretty quickly, which will lower their performance. Do not forget to clean them, and try to carry them with you. Your guns will never break, but they will be less accurate, so keep an eye on the "condition" meter under the gun's stats.

Shotguns are no joke.

I'm just saying, if you need to wreck some shit, bring a shotgun.

Keep an eye out for weapons on the map.

Any time you come across a weapon that you do not have, it'll show up on the map as a little gun icon. Keep an eye out for those, since you will be able to pick them up. Also, do not worry about dropping the weapon you currently have to pick up a new one; you can just get another version of the one you already own from your saddle.

Do not discount the rootin 'tootin' dual-revolver option.

Pretty early on, you'll unlock a second pistol holster that lets you carry a … second pistol. I guess that was obvious. I spent a long time with a shotgun in that holster, but I actually recommend trying a second pistol there and dual wielding two revolvers at once. Take cover before you reload, though, because it takes a minute.

Loot dead bodies.

Look, sometimes you're working on a video game tips post and one of the tips you can read a book. you can sell to a fence. It's worth trying to do some looting in the early going in when the money is tight. Just be warned that if you're standing at the scene of a crime, you'll want to clear it. You monster! What were you doing? Why would you be looting a dead body?

Do stranger quests at every opportunity.

If you're riding around you and you hear it, you're going to be more of a stranger than anybody else. Strangers are special non-player characters Red Dead 2, people with more involved They come in a couple different types, and it's worth taking the time to interact with them all.

The lowest level strangers are just people meeting in the world, They're denoted by a small white dot on the map that only appears when you get close. Sometimes these types of strangers return to your story, but they are always relatively low-key. If you see a big white question on your map, however, that's a stranger quest. These are more involved and usually have multiple phases. They're more like story missions than exist outside of the story.

Get your hat back via your horse.

If your hat gets knocked off, like, say, by a horse that you kicked it off, you may not immediately notice. Your hat also might get shot off, in which case you may have had the luxury of picking it back up. No cowboy should be hatless on the range, but do not worry; you can just remember your hat at any time from your saddle. It's got its own spot in the lower right of the Horse radial menu.

Experiment with the mini-map.

Red Dead Redemption 2 has a really good low, because it gives you a lot of options and lets you adjust them on the fly. I played most of the game using the compass setting, which was a nice middle ground between a full mini map and map at all.

However, if I had not been on a deadline for a review, I would probably have turned down the minimap more often. This game's world is uncommonly navigable on its own; There are signs of it all over, and you will probably be told directions when telling you where to go. If you get lost, you can always press the D-pad to momentarily see the mini-map if you need it. (Every game still using a mini-map: please make this feature!) You can also hold down the D-pad to switch between mini-map sizes on the fly.

You can preview every article and article of clothing in stores.

The browsable catalogs in every store are beautiful and ridiculously detailed, but they can also take a while to read. If you just want to pick the best outfit and be on your way, that's also possible. Press the "view" button when you're looking for an outfit in the catalog, and it'll take you to a more standard video game fitting room.

From there, press "All Outfits" to flip through the other outfits in that shop 's catalog without leaving the dressing room. You can do the same thing with an article on clothing and accessories, which gives you a better idea of ​​what you are doing.

There are more clothes options than you can realize.

I recommend taking the time Red Dead Redemption 2because there are some terrific outfit options. The clothes themselves are lovely looking, and I had more fun than I thought I would come up with nifty custom outfits. Managing saved outfits is a little bit awkward, but you do it a few times, you'll work it out. One important thing to remember is that you can hit the "Modify" button while browsing your shirt, shirt sleeves, and boot / pant arrangement.

Once you upgrade to a bandolier, you can take it off.

Partway into the story, I finally had enough money to buy bandolier. It was going to be a bit more ammo, but it meant that Arthur was always wearing a bandolier. That would be good any time I wanted to go for a "Rambo of the Wild West" vibe, but less good any time I did not. Fortunately, players can change "weapon equipment" at the bottom of the wardrobe tab. Changing those options will not affect you, so you can get rid of your bandolier with no downside.

Read the handwritten version of Arthur's journal.

Arthur keeps a journal that he updates throughout the game, and you can read it at any time by holding the D-pad. The game notifies you when it adds a new entry, and it's worth taking the time to read when it does. If it's possible due to your distance from the screen and comfortability reading smudgy cursive, I recommend reading the actual graphical representation of the newspaper, rather than the easier-to-read printed version that you can summon with a button press. Subtle keys like scratched-out mistakes, underlined words, and various other marginalia can give a neat insight into Arthur's state of mind while he was writing.

That's what I've gotten for now, but I'm sure I'll be able to share it. Good luck out there, cowpokes.

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