Today, the "miniature cars that cost more than a year of college tuition": the Porsche 919 Hybrid at $ 14,689


The holidays are coming, in case your Twitter timeline is half full of people who would like ~ * spooky * ~ and the other half show Christmas emoticons did not warn you yet. And if you want to spend a thousand times more than is worth something for the first time since you received a bill for school fees, Porsche offers you the perfect holiday gift (to buy for yourself, probably ).

Discover the Porsche 919 Hybrid, inspired by the Le Mans prototype, now retired, at a reasonable price of $ 14,689. The car is a 1: 8 scale car, which in terms of price means "really big for a toy car". In other words, it means that the car is one-eighth the size of the actual vehicle.

Image: Porsche

According to the dimensions of the Evo 919 race car, giving Porsche nearly $ 15,000 of your hard-earned dollars will give you a model nearly 25 inches in length, 9.4 inches in width and 5.2 inches in height. In the context of small cars, it's a big car.

But is it $ 15,000? Porsche certainly thinks, with at least 96 people, the company claims to have bought one. It is always nice to remember that there are people who are spending a lot of money on miniature cars while we think of cheap craigslist sellers for their actual cars at $ 2,500 (sometimes).

In any case, Porsche only made 100 cars and said in its description that "more than 3,000 hours", or 125 days of work by a team of miniature car manufacturers, was theirs. devoted. The company did not say whether it was for each car or for all. Ambiguity is essential when you want things to look exclusive.

Image: Porsche

The description also indicates that the painting was hand-made and that the doors and engine hood can open to show on the inside. The car is delivered with a showcase, so that only the most worthy can touch its dimensions "accurate to a tenth of a millimeter" and that no one can put his dirty hands. You have to protect these things from the kind of people who want to haggle a $ 2,500 Craigslist car, you know.

Think about it. These people probably did not even buy holiday gifts.

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