Tumblr was removed from the App Store after discovering that it was used for child pornography


Over the weekend, we had reported that Apple had removed the official Tumblr iOS app from the App Store. While the details were not clear at the time, CNET Download.com reports today that the application has been removed due to the discovery of child pornography.

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Download.com explains that, through independent sources, he learned that Tumblr, the blogging and abbreviated content publishing service, was used for child pornography that had been passed through standard filters. This explains why the application was extracted brutally from the iOS App Store on Friday, with little explanation from Apple or Tumblr. Apple had previously removed Telegram for similar reasons.

In a statement, Tumblr explained that it was working closely with partners such as the National Center for the Missing and Exploited to actively monitor the downloaded content on its platform. A "routine audit" also revealed content that was not yet included in an industry database containing information about sexual abuse of children, against which Tumblr's content is checked.

"We are committed to helping create a safe online environment for all users, and we have a zero-tolerance media policy that addresses the sexual exploitation and abuse of children. In addressing a sector-wide problem, we are working with our peers and industry partners, such as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), to actively monitor content. downloaded on the platform. Every image uploaded to Tumblr is scanned with the help of an industry database containing information about child sexual abuse, and detected images never reach the flat. -form.

A routine audit uncovered content on our platform that had not yet been included in the industry database. We immediately deleted this content. Content guarantees are a difficult aspect of operating platforms on a scale. We continually evaluate the steps we can take to improve ourselves and our team has no priority. "

There is still no detail as to when the Tumblr app might return to the App Store, but the social network indicates that the offending content has been removed and that it is working with Apple to make the app available. Throughout this situation, Tumblr has remained available via the Play Store for Android users despite the brief availability of child pornography.

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