Twitch Streamer Trihex banned for making homophobic remarks


Mychal Ramon Jefferson, better known as the Trihex streamer, was banned from Twitch. On a stream this week, he called a "f —- t" sitting in the same room as him. After uttering this word, he apologized, but the harm was done. It is not known whether the prohibition is permanent or temporary; Trihex has not talked about the ban on his Instagram account.

The post of subreddit Livestreamfails on the ban has more than 2,000 positive votes and is full of writers who are considering Twitch's terms of service. Earlier this week, Byron "Reckful", Bernstein, started a conversation on another topic saying that he could "hire 10 people to kill the whole family". However, editors noted that Reckful still was not banned on Twitch, even though it was inciting violence.

"They forbade my son TriHex to make a joke with his friend but not Reckful for all these threats," wrote anony312, a Reddit user. "The best companies will learn from Twitch's mistakes," responded DirectAffect.

Twitch's terms of service were updated in March to provide a more concrete list of the banable offenses on the platform. One of these crimes is the "hate speech" that Twitch takes very seriously. But some top streamers who have slipped and said a terrible word have never been punished. Tyler "Ninja" Blevins, Twitch's most titled streamer, accidentally let out an n-word singing a Logic song while he was drunk on a creek. Twitch never banned it for the offense. But other big streamers like Tfue and Destiny have been banned from one week to 30 days for the use of inappropriate language.

Trihex is the face of one of Twitch's oldest and most recognizable emoticons: Trihard. The streamer started his career on Twitch showing his speedruns, quickly attracting an audience watching him end games like Bandicoot Crash and Super Mario Odyssey. During his career, he has played alongside controversial banners like Ice Poseidon, but this is his first major offense against Twitch.

Twitch does not comment on individual bans.

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