Two Point Hospital is a cure for the disease


EA clearly had no plans to release a new version of the classic PC management game Thematic hospital, then Two Point – a studio run by people who worked on Thematic hospital– left and did it for them.

And while they were there, they did it even better.

I'm saving you a long list of memories and comparisons because Thematic hospital at 21 and was not so popular at first, but you should at least know that the formula is largely the same. You are responsible for running a hospital (or even a series of hospitals) and you need to build treatment rooms, hire and manage staff, and keep books in balance.

As you can imagine, given the presence of former Bullfrog staff – or simply depending on the subject –Two point hospital East very Light, built on comedy rather than tragedy, which is for the better, because it's a game where you'll have to deal with sickness and death every turn. It's a lot healthier for everyone's mental health if the conditions you're dealing with involve clown costumes, Freddy Mercury's impersonators and pans that end cancer or shootout victims.

It's always fun to see something you've grown, and like other building and management games (Cities: Skylines, The Sims), the basic pleasure of Two point hospital has just built a clean and functional installation from scratch, perfecting with precision as and when.

It's more fun Two point hospitalhowever, because it has one of the best construction tools and video game building system, if not the best. The simple fact of choosing a bench or a plant, of turning it and then of letting it fall into a room is a pleasure, each placement coming up against a "pop" that resonates both visually (with a small maneuver) and through the speakers.

This system is also incredibly smart. Everything you place, from the rooms to the doors of the shops, clings and lines up on a grid, knows when you are near a wall and tells you if it will hinder or not the movement on foot . Once placed, you can simply fly over the mouse and critical information will be displayed, such as the amount of heat produced by a radiator in a hallway.

It's something that could have been manipulated by menus or sub-commands, and become a tedious chore of about five minutes, but the way it was done with just the mouse and the left button is incredibly elegant. Indeed, the construction could be also fun in Two point hospitalSome aspects of the game can be overlooked in favor of aligning fountains and installing snacks.

There are all the pitfalls of a more serious strategy game, with salaries, staff training, hiring decisions (and firing), equipment upgrades, the problems that arise. boredom that you know is there, but rarely boils down to something that justifies any serious time or attention

I'm not sure it's just because the game is easy or there is not enough punishment to run a hospital in order to make reasonable accounting a necessity, but whoever wants an administrative challenge to find Two point hospital a little bit of light

Everyone, however, who is just there for bad jokes and the joy of building, will find this game among the best of its kind in years.

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