Two riot employees leave after defending a controversial PAX group


Systems designer Daniel Klein and communications partner Mattias Lehman were fired from Riot Games yesterday after defending League of Legends PAX West Panels open only to women and non-binary individuals.

As reported by The Verge, Klein and Lehman, known for publicly defending diversity efforts, left the company yesterday in response to apparent controversy around this PAX session.

The private panel, led by women from Riot, aimed to help women and non-binary participants enter the video game industry; men were forbidden to attend.

While the men were not allowed to physically attend the panel, they could still review Riot's Instagram account boards, but the policy was excited by League of Legends players on Reddit.

After Klein defended the PAX West decision and explained it to Reddit users who voiced their criticism, he confirmed to The Verge that he was "fired for violating our social media policy".

Their departures occur a month after several current and former employees of Riot discussed the toxic work environment that eventually pushed women out of the studio, causing the studio to publicly apologize and correct the culture of l & # 39; company.

Riot responded in a statement to The Verge, stating that "these departures are independent of our efforts to evolve our culture.Our culture remains our top priority, and we remain committed to taking the necessary steps to become a leader in diversity and inclusion. . "

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