Ubisoft Chief: The game industry has to find his soul


The gaming industry is not half bad. It is a place where strange and wonderful ideas can flourish, and in some cases (we look at you Fortnite) even take control of the world. Yet, despite all this seemingly infinite and bubbling potential, something is missing – and no, it's not Half-Life 3.

In a recent interview with Game Informer, Serge Hascoet, Creative Director at Ubisoft, rather philosophically suggested that the sector had to find its soul before it could realize its true potential, and that despite the buzz created by new technologies and experiences , the brand.

According to Hascoet, video games must become more than mere pieces of pure entertainment. That's not to say that they should not be fun, or strive to tell engaging stories, but rather that players should leave with something more tangible once they've pushed back their controller.

"You know what's missing in this industry?" "A soul." Video games are about gaming, and gaming is not entertainment, it's learning. When you're learning, you're having fun. But when we're just entertainment we are losing something, "he explained.

"I ask the team what are the real benefits that the player will get out of the game in his real life, for now we are not doing enough in this area." which excites me: how to do something that allows you to have the most fun while also having something beneficial for your life. "

For more thoughts of Hascoet, be sure to read the entire interview on Game Informer.

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