Undertale fans already have theories about what's going on in Deltarune


A new part with direct connections to Subtitle. You know what that means: it's time for all the Internet to turn into that one member of Charlie Day.

Yesterday, Subtitle The creator Toby Fox has released a new game titled Deltarune. The free role play is the first chapter of a new story apparently SubtitleThe universe, but this time (or this place ???), nothing is the same. Already, fans have theories about why and how it fits into unresolved solutions. Subtitle Mysteries like the true identity of the stealthy phantasmagoric skeleton man who defies space-time, W. D. Gaster.

Deltarune start by putting yourself in the shoes of a human child named Kris. You are immediately welcomed by Toriel, who you may remember as the character who guided you through the tutorial. SubtitleAnd who eventually became a central figure in the story of the game. It drives you to school in a city that looks bright, full of happy monsters and, most importantly, not underground.

However, after your late arrival in class, you are paired with a delinquent student, Susie, to get chalk for the teacher, and you fall into a world apart after sinking into the supply cupboard. This is how a journey begins in which a prince tells you that you are part of a trio of legendary heroes intended to restore the balance between darkness and light. You fight – or save – monsters in a very Subtitle– an artistic fashion, while meeting and sometimes defying a cast of new and old characters more and more wacky.

This is only the first chapter of an episodic game, so it is difficult to be sure of anything at this point. Even people's understanding of DeltaruneThe setting is blurred at best. Given how happy and non-underground everything is, you might be tempted to believe Deltarune is defined after SubtitleThe pacifist end, but the fans assume it's a bit of the classic bad direction of Toby Fox. For one, almost every Subtitle character that appears in Deltarune behaves quite differently, some seeming to despise or never met. It's also full of characters who are in parallel SubtitleThe main distribution, to their name. Kris is similar to Frisk, Ralsei is like Asriel, etc. Deltarune is an anagram of Subtitle.

The theory that has gained the most popularity so far is that Deltarune takes place in an alternative chronology before all SubtitleThe trick of saving / reloading the space-time-warping. People who adhere to this theory report key clues buried in Subtitle– more specifically, allusions to the skeleton obsessed with the youngster and the hero of lazy cosplayers everywhere Sans wanted to have a timeline to which he wished to return and, more concretely, an image in his secret room that included three mysterious characters and the words " do not forget. Fans now believe that these three characters are the three heroes of Deltarune and that its relatively idyllic setting was its destination. This is further supported by the fact that without exists in Deltarunebut does not seem to know anyone (whereas in Subtitlehe knew almost everyone because he had already seen a lot of them). However, there are also theories that Deltarune takes place after Undertale genocide, or in a completely separate parallel universe. top Subtitle scholars are still debating.

Then there are the meta-elements of all this, which are always so confusing. At the beginning of the game, you create a "vessel" for your heart which is then rejected in favor of Kris, because "no one can choose who he is in this world". However, the first time you save, there is already a file for Kris, which you overwrite with a file with your own name. Have you taken control of Kris' life – destroying them – or guiding them along the way, as you did with the protagonist Subtitle?

And who are you, even? You are not Kris, but you control Kris. Are you the soul of Kris? Are you an entity that exists outside the game even when you control it, which functionally makes you the same character that you were in Subtitle? If it opens the door to the existence of Chara – a demented entity, once human, which came to the fore in SubtitleThe genocide took place and shared the same soul as the protagonist – in this universe too? And what does it mean when, at the end of DeltaruneThe first chapter, Kris rips their heart – what seems to be used to represent you, the player and your soul? Do they reject you, or something (or Someone & # 39; a) other? I know: my head hurts too.

Then there is the question of whether your approach to the killing / saving dichotomy even counts this time. Because the central message of DeltaruneThe first chapter seems to be that your choices do not material. Susie, a party member, tells you both when you are trying to create a character at the beginning and later, you say, "If you have not figured it out yet, none of your choices will be the same. of importance. " Subtitle has become a totally different game based on your instant choices, it would not be surprising to see Toby Fox subvert that. Gender subversion is a bit of his thing, and how can it be better summed up than subverting his own previous game?

Finally, there is Gaster. Deltarune does not recognize it, even if it is so far so thin. If you try to name your character "Gaster" at the beginning, the game restarts immediately, just like what happened if you did the same thing Subtitle. Some think that Gaster is responsible for destroying the original timeline. Without so much desire to return to this country. Subtitle, so future Deltarune chapters could potentially give us a glimpse of how all this has unfolded. But there are already theories according to which Gaster is at the origin of everything that happens in Subtitle and Deltarune, the investigators – who were largely responsible for Gaster's discovery last time – found very few signs of him in the code of this chapter.

The code however contains some other interesting nuggets. The dataminers claim that the game checks the date and time of your computer at the opening, for example. Apparently, he also checks if you have a Subtitle save the file that has already included genocide execution. If you decide to commit this heinous act, well, good luck. Yes Deltarune is something like Subtitledo not expect that you let him live.

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