Updating OnePlus Switch makes it easier than ever to migrate data between smartphones


The OnePlus Switch app has been launched for the sole purpose of facilitating the transfer of data from one device to another. If you plan to upgrade or simply switch to a OnePlus phone, you'll be happy to learn that an updated version of the OnePlus Switch app will make your life easier when you migrate your data. .

OnePlus Switch now allows users to transfer not only the data found on a phone, but also the launcher, the wallpapers and the exact layout of the application. In addition, the application now supports manual login to mobile access points, as well as backup application data.

On top of that, OnePlus mentions that the Switch app is now compatible with more Android models. If you own a OnePlus smartphone, the Switch app must already be installed on the device, so just check the update in the Google Play Store.

The new features added to the latest update cover just about every important aspect that a smartphone user may need when buying a new device, but OnePlus Switch may benefit from some improvements.

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