Users regret that Chrome 69 forces them to sign them in the browser


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Chrome users reacted angrily after finding a new forced login for the web browser. In short, this change means that when you sign in to a Google service, such as Gmail, you're also automatically signed in to that account in Chrome itself.

Although a handful of people have welcomed the new connection activity, there are a very large number of extremely unhappy people. In addition to perceived privacy issues, what has particularly shocked people is the fact that they are connected to Chrome without being informed.

See also:

Among those who have been disgusted with learning change, there is the cryptographer Matthew Green, who talked about the problem over the weekend. He is among those who say that they will no longer use Chrome, and he explains what has changed:

A few weeks ago, Google provided a Chrome update that fundamentally alters the connection experience. From now on, every time you sign in to a Google property (for example, Gmail), Chrome will automatically sign the browser in your Google Account. This will be done without asking, or even explicitly informing you.

Your only warning, in case you were looking for it, is that your Google profile picture will appear in the upper right corner of the browser window.

Referring to this blog post, security expert Graham Cluley turned to Twitter to announce that he was moving away from Chrome:

As Bálint, the information specialist and system architect, noted, "Chrome is a Google service that includes a browser engine." He explains:

Just to spell it: this means that Google connections for Chrome are now de facto mandatory if you sign in to a Google site. (Clarification: The history of synchronization / browser / password sharing still require confirmation from the user, it is only about the connection itself.

Although there is no data synchronization, it is probably reasonable to ask when this could start – if not, what is the purpose of the browser connection? But whatever happens, there is a clear lack of transparency. As Green notes: "This change has huge implications for the privacy and trust of users, and Google seems unable to tackle it."

Is it enough to get you away from Chrome or are you happy to keep trusting Google?

Photo credit: 360b / Shutterstock

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