Valve says it will reduce the hidden costs of artifact, following fan complaints


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Artifact is, for the better and worse, looks like a very Valve card game as far as it is an ingenious and complex re-imagine DOTA 2– filled with tracks and heroes – but it is also strongly linked to a real money market. In fact, there is currently no way to earn new cards without spending at least a pinch of your hard-earned money. Some fans are not happy with this last part. In response, Valve makes changes.

In a popular thread posted at the Artifact Subreddit over the weekend, players have complained about the money-based systems of the game. "Here are ways to get cards," read the thread. "Pay 2 dollars for a pack of cards, pay for cards on the market or gaming expert. Every time you play Expert, you have to spend a ticket, which is a dollar. "

In addition, the boosters contain certain cards that all players receive in ArtifactThe Starter Kit – that is, there is a chance that players will not even get the most for their money every time they pick up a backpack.

On the other hand, home, the most popular digital collectible card game with enough landslides to occupy the Grand Canyon, offers players many ways to win cards while playing, for example by completing quests, earning coins in the game through regular games, playing at the weekly. "Tavern Brawl", and compete in arena mode (which certainly costs a little extra and is quite difficult).

In September, Jeep Barnett and Valve vehicles Magic the gathering creator Richard Garfield explained that as a result of ArtifactThe system "pay to participate", the game will contain the "zero grinding", which will bring it more in line with Magic that, let's say home. However, stay competitive in Magic can be prohibitive for those who have no money to spend, even with regular format changes, leveling the playing field a bit.

In response to "interest and enthusiasm" around "some features that were not available in the initial beta," Valve announced in a blog yesterday that it was going to open things a little bit. Specifically, this means a friend-specific deck design mode, as well as an occasional "ghost" draw mode. The latter will allow players to train to build and play with the decks of a series of boosters without spending money.

Finally, Valve is also working on "a system to recycle superfluous cards into event cards," which will be available before the end of the game beta on November 28th.

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