Valve says the Steam Link hardware is "almost gone"


SteamSteamed is dedicated to everything related to the Valve PC gaming service.

It seems that just last night Valve said it was making equipment. In reality, the Steam controllers, the steam engines and a strange little gadget called Steam Link appeared in 2015. Three years later, the most useful of these devices is about to retire.

While steam engines and vapor controllers did not set fire to the PC gaming world, the Steam link, which allows users to play games on their television, was perhaps the best thing to do to ensure that the sudden interest of Valve for our material is suddenly field. It was simple, cheap, and as advertised, with minimal lag. Valve, however, decided to pull on the cap.

In an article on Steam, the company announced that its remaining stock of physical Steam Link hardware is "sold in Europe and almost to the United States." Once they're all gone, Valve plans to "continue to support the existing link with Steam." hardware and software releases of Steam Link, available for many smartphones, tablets and TVs. But you'll notice no, to create more Steam links.

There is a software version of Steam Link. I have not tried, but the reports suggest that it is not quite at the same level as the hardware. This is a disappointment, aggravated by the fact that the Steam Link app is still not available on iOS devices due to blocked negotiations between Valve and Apple about "business conflicts with application guidelines ".

For now, though, I guess all we can do is pour one for the little box that could. No, it did not ignite the world, but it lit up our TV screens with PC games that really worked. May others learn from his example – aside from the "be functionally interrupted" part, I mean.

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