Verdict of the 4 series of Apple Watch: critics are underway

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The new Apple Watch 4 (AP Photo / Marcio Jose Sanchez)

In addition to the new trio for iPhone, Tim Cook and the gang also used the big Cupertino event last week to remove the covers of the company's new smartwatch – the Apple Watch Series 4.

With a larger screen, an additional health monitoring system and an improved operating system, it promises to be the best Apple watch to date. But has he done enough to convince the critics? The first reviews of Apple Watch Series 4 are online, here is a selection of what the tech press is saying …


"The ease and availability of cell phones, the accuracy and usefulness of their heart rate monitor, and the breadth of their fitness ecosystem are the areas that left rivals in their dust," writes James Stables in Wareable .

"Add Apple Pay alerts, SOS, drop detection, heart rate – it's amazing to think that the Apple Watch Series 4 will definitely save at least one person's life. And who else can say it now?

Dazzling screen

"The screen of Series 4 is incredibly good." This is the verdict of Dieter Bohn, of The Verge. "Apple estimates that its volume is 30% higher, which is one of the features easy to ignore when you read it. But 30%, that's a lot, and you notice it right away.

"The overall effect makes the square screen of my 3 Series very distorted in comparison – even though, until last week, it was arguably the best smartwatch screen on the market.

WatchOS wins

"No matter what your Apple Watch is, you're going to want to update the software," says Scott Rosenfield of Wired. "The new software features bundled notifications, automatic drive detection, podcasts, and Walkie-Talkie, making the watch more enjoyable to use.

"I found myself unexpectedly excited for the automatic detection of training – if you did not measure it, did that really happen?

Style points

"The medium-quality finish – stainless steel – is suddenly particularly luxurious," says Phelan in his independent review, referring to the designs in Series 4.

"There is the shiny silver finish of ordinary stainless steel, the shiny but discreet glamor of black stainless steel in the space (always my favorite) and a new color. This is the stainless steel gold finish and it looks great: brilliant without being showy, classy, ​​but not enough. "

Blues battery

Overall super positive then, but there are still some things to improve – especially on the energy front:

"As with previous versions, Apple evaluates the battery of Series 4 to" all day ", which certainly corresponds to my own tests," writes Brian Heater in Tech Crunch.

"Even so, I would be happy to exchange a millimeter or two of thickness for a few extra mAhs. In the current state of things, you should be able to spend a day without worrying about finding a charger, but the tranquility of battery life is always welcome.


The new Apple Watch 4 (AP Photo / Marcio Jose Sanchez)

In addition to the new trio for iPhone, Tim Cook and the gang also used the big Cupertino event last week to remove the covers of the company's new smartwatch – the Apple Watch Series 4.

With a larger screen, an additional health monitoring system and an improved operating system, it promises to be the best Apple watch to date. But has he done enough to convince the critics? The first reviews of Apple Watch Series 4 are online, here is a selection of what the tech press is saying …


"The ease and availability of cell phones, the accuracy and usefulness of their heart rate monitor, and the breadth of their fitness ecosystem are the areas that left rivals in their dust," writes James Stables in Wareable .

"Add Apple Pay alerts, SOS, drop detection, heart rate – it's amazing to think that the Apple Watch Series 4 will definitely save at least one person's life. And who else can say it now?

Dazzling screen

"The screen of Series 4 is incredibly good." This is the verdict of Dieter Bohn, of The Verge. "Apple estimates that its volume is 30% higher, which is one of the features easy to ignore when you read it. But 30%, that's a lot, and you notice it right away.

"The overall effect makes the square screen of my 3 Series very distorted in comparison – even though, until last week, it was arguably the best smartwatch screen on the market.

WatchOS wins

"No matter what your Apple Watch is, you're going to want to update the software," says Scott Rosenfield of Wired. "The new software features bundled notifications, automatic drive detection, podcasts, and Walkie-Talkie, making the watch more enjoyable to use.

"I found myself unexpectedly excited for the automatic detection of training – if you did not measure it, did that really happen?

Style points

"The medium-quality finish – stainless steel – is suddenly particularly luxurious," says Phelan in his independent review, referring to the designs in Series 4.

"There is the shiny silver finish of ordinary stainless steel, the shiny but discreet glamor of black stainless steel in the space (always my favorite) and a new color. This is the stainless steel gold finish and it looks great: brilliant without being showy, classy, ​​but not enough. "

Blues battery

Overall super positive then, but there are still some things to improve – especially on the energy front:

"As with previous versions, Apple evaluates the battery of Series 4 to" all day ", which certainly corresponds to my own tests," writes Brian Heater in Tech Crunch.

"Even so, I would be happy to exchange a millimeter or two of thickness for a few extra mAhs. In the current state of things, you should be able to spend a day without worrying about finding a charger, but the tranquility of battery life is always welcome.

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