Virgin Fortonians of the Elon Musk Trolls, the game revolts


2018 is becoming more strange. Tesla and SpaceX boss Elon Musk and the Fortnite online video game had a little battle on their own on Twitter on Friday.

Musk started the blow by tweeting what said appeared to be a modified screenshot of one of the stories of this site, with the title "Elon Musk buys Fortnite and removes it", as well as a supposed quote from Musk: "I had to save these children of eternal virginity ".

Cracked Musk in his tweet, "I had to do it, we welcome you."

But Fortnite's official Twitter account has found a way to respond to the billionaire businessman, grabbing an article that says it would take SpaceX a decade to build a base on Mars.

"A whole decade, @Elon Musk? Just build, LOL! ", Read the tweet that accompanies it.

Musk also reacted, pointing out that the real world takes more time than the world of Fortnite. "The reality is hard," he writes.

A Fortnite player wrote to Musk: "Excuse me, Mr. Musus, but I think it's important to me that I lost my virginity after playing at Fortnite, I beg you. "

To which Musk replied: "The Web does not count."

The battle of the two Twitter Titan accounts sparked amused reactions among those watching the snark. "Please, do not try to be Wendy's," said a Twitter user, referring to the irreverent Twitter account of the fast food chain.

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