VLC blacklist Huawei smartphones for misbehaving


Android is famous for its fragmentation, but there is another "mini-fragmentation" that happens when it comes to its applications. Locking the region is something that pests not only smartphones, but even game consoles as well and it is also the case for specific OEM applications that you can not install on competitors' phones. At least not without a room. The case of VLC, however, could be the first time that an application will blacklister the phones of a specific manufacturer. And all because Huawei could be a bit too aggressive by removing apps in the background.

This drastic, surprising and highly controversial move is almost like a retaliation by VLC VideoLAN developers. It has been flooded by critics on the Google Play Store users complaining of a broken feature. They complain about how VLC stops playing in the background, despite its settings, once the screen saver or the lock screen starts

It 's okay. turns out that this only happens to Huawei devices and not to VLC. Like some Android phones nowadays, Huawei implements its own battery optimization system that kills unnecessary background processes except its own. Other OEMs like Samsung also have such a feature but do not show favoritism

Frustrated by this, VLC developers have decided to ban Huawei phones from finding the app on the Google Play Store. They are not without appeal, however, because VideoLAN also provides an APK that users can manually download and install on their devices. Of course, this does not come with the same guarantees as Google Play, depending on what you trust them.

While the actions of VideoLAN may have been motivated by the situation, one can not help but think that it punishes users for Huawei's actions. Maybe it's acting in kind on the basis of how users have punished him by giving him low marks for the same behavior of Huawei. Unfortunately, nobody wins in this kind of game because VLC and users lose while Huawei is probably not affected.

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