Warcraft 3 Remaster, Reforged, announced


The Warcraft series might be better known for the MMORPG World of Warcraft, but its roots are in the real-time strategy genre. Although WoW remains the main focus of Blizzard, the company is currently extending its olive branch to fans of the franchise who aspire to the RTS Days. As part of the opening ceremony of the BlizzCon 2018, Blizzard revealed that she was remixing Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos.

The new project is called Warcraft 3: Reforged. A cinematic video shows a unit of the Horde and the Alliance in conflict when meteors begin to collapse, causing new enemies to fall. The game will be launched next year but will be playable at the BlizzCon for participants.

We also briefly reviewed the game plans, showing much improved graphics compared to the original version. The video boasts of completely redesigned characters and animations, maps and remastered campaigns, a user interface and an upgrade editor, as well as 4K support.

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A special edition, called the War Booty Edition, is now available by order. By purchasing it you will have access to other Blizzard games, such as Diablo III, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm and WoW (where you will have a pet meat tank).

Warcraft 3 is the newest RTS in the series. It was launched in 2002, two years before the launch of WoW, which would be a resounding success. In 2003, the Frozen Throne expansion was released. Apart from WoW, Warcraft was seduced by its strong presence in Heroes of the Storm, but this was disappointing for fans of the series' origins.

Blizzard has not completely abandoned the RTS genre, StarCraft 2 having debuted in 2010 and having continued to grow since. But this new version represents the first return of the company in the game of Warcraft RTS (with the exception of some WoW players) for more than 15 years.

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