Warframe receives a co-op spaceship fight that looks like a FTL in the third person


At Tennocon 2018, Digital Extreme's annual Warframe convention, the developer had a big surprise for fans, a promise that would radically change Warframe's vision as a video game. A live presentation featuring the new open area of ​​Venus has ended with a major twist that I am still trying to understand. During the demo, the evil Nef Anyo bombed the player repeatedly from space, but just when everyone thought the preview was over, Digital Extremes showed how the players will get revenge [19659002] in orbit where they engage the ship of the capital Nef Anyo directly. Called Codename: Railjack, it's a brand new game mode where players explore and fight in space from the comfort of their own battle cruiser. It's basically taking Warframe on the beloved indie game FTL. Each member of a group will lead a station on the ship, such as flying or maneuvering turrets, while simultaneously combating enemy fighters, capital ships, and even direct invasions into the ship. Similar to FTL, players can also divert energy to different systems such as powering thrusters to increase speed and maneuverability. There was even a moment when a breach in the hull reduced the life support systems that needed to be repaired.

You will not only be defensive either. At any time, players can leave their own ship and fly into space in their personal Archwing tracksuit to engage the enemies more directly. More impressive, however, is the ability to infiltrate enemy capital ships and sabotage them from within to weaken them for a deadly blow. During one intense sequence, one developer was crossing the corridors of the enemy ship while another was in what creative director Steve Sinclair called the "command mode" that allowed them to hack the enemy ship to open. the airlock and help his teammate. an incredibly ambitious new mode, but we do not know how this experience will fit into the big Warframe campaign. During an interview, Sinclair confirmed that these ships would present a progression system similar to most other elements of Warframe. Players will be able to upgrade, improve and modify their different abilities. They are not only giant boats, but they have special abilities similar to Warframes. Sinclair described one as a "flower of death" missiles that "destroy everything in sight".

In my review I said: "Warframe is the most Frankenstein-esque game I have ever played. It's a hodgepodge of ideas and systems that do not always work well together, but Sinclair said Codename: Railjack is meant to be the link that links the open world levels of Warframe, the corridors generated by procedure and archwing space combat. These ships will also be useful in exploring the space beyond the solar system that Warframe has been confined for its entire life span. Last month, Warframe released a new "cinematic quest" called The Sacrifice that turned the page on another chapter in the esoteric and marvelous story of Warframe. The next chapter, titled The New War, was also teased at Tennolive and sets up an inter-solar system conflict with the Arch-Vilnius Trails that exist beyond the boundaries of our star system.

[19659002] This update "takes Warframe on a totally unexplored path," reads in a press release that I had received in advance. It is described as the next part of a "bigger vision". When I asked Sinclair to explain what it meant, he talked about Dark Sector, the original game that Digital Extremes tried to do before Warframe. According to Sinclair, in this game, groups of players would explore and invade ships in procedurally generated areas of space. It was an ambitious project that Digital Extremes has never been able to achieve, as detailed in the documentary No Clip. Codename: Railjack is their attempt to finally give life to this vision. I already have trouble explaining Warframe to my friends. I have a feeling that it will get worse.

Codename: Railjack has no release date, but considering that the new Venus open area is not scheduled until the end of 2018, I'm willing to bet that it's going to be a long wait . Check out our coverage of Venus' new open world zone and the awesome hoverboards you'll use to explore it.

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