Watch a Counter-Strike pro get caught cheating at a big sports tournament


A professional Counterattack: Global Offensive The player was caught cheating – in a moment captured on a Twitter video – which disqualified his team from a tournament in Shanghai and resulted in its dissolution later.

Dotesports first reported cheating and the consequences; The most interesting is to watch the player, Nikhil "abandoned" Kumawat of OpTic India, caught in the act. The incident occurred at Extremesland Zowie Asia CS: GO Tournament 2018, a major event with a prize pool of $ 100,000. The official Twitter channel of the tournament aired this clip Friday showing an administrator examining Kumawat's terminal and even retaining it, apparently as he tried to suppress the hacking.

OpTic India was launched from the event. Not only has the team returned Kumawat, but OpTic India has completely dissolved. This seems to be a gesture allowing other players to distance themselves from the scandal. Kumawat's teammates said that they did not know that he had cheated and that they would not tolerate him if they did.

It is thought that the cheater Kumwat uses is an aimbot program designed to block opponents. This tweet shows a directory apparently hiding the files.

The fact that Kumawat has already been sanctioned adds to the plot. dotesports mentioned that in 2017 he got a six-month ban from the Esport League for getting a ban on Anti-Cheat Valve in Counter Strike.

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